Want 1 inch in one Month!?? Try Jo Oil!


Active Member
Hello Everyone! I know I always have news about my hair growing and all that, but I'm always trying new products to prove and disprove what works and what doesn't. I was surfing through Ebay and found a product made by a black woman called Jo Oil. The product claimed to grow hair so I decided to give it a try because I saw a lot of good feedback from other customers. I recieved my product on October 4th and immediately started using it. I did notice less shedding but no faster growth. I finished the bottle and didn't order anymore because I thought it didn't work. Well, I checked my growth this morning and I'm happy to say that I have between 3/4" to 1" of growth! It hasn't been 1 month yet! This stuff really works, no kidding!! I haven't changed anything in my regimine. I've been wearing twists for the last 2 weeks so I didn't notice anything until I went to re-twist one of them. The Oil is only $6.00 on ebay with $6.50 shipping. If you get good results and send her before and after pictures, you will get a free bottle. I have some pics posted to show my results.

The first pic is today October 25th, the second was taken right before I started taking Jo Oil


  • Oct 25.jpg
    Oct 25.jpg
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  • Month 17 Twist Shrinkage001.jpg
    Month 17 Twist Shrinkage001.jpg
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Very nice results! Congrats :) Corbin.
I'm curious about this so I'll get the questions rolling....
How does JO oil smell, and how (time of day, frequency, etc.) often was it applied?
How long did it stay in your hair b4 wash day?
What was your growth rate b4 using the product?
TIA - glad you had good results and were kind enough to share :)
I purchased the Bes oil but didn`t notice anything spectacular..I was afraid of the Jo oil because it contains ammonia:eek: but many people say it really works.....
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alexei said:
Very nice results! Congrats :) Corbin.
I'm curious about this so I'll get the questions rolling....
How does JO oil smell, and how (time of day, frequency, etc.) often was it applied?
How long did it stay in your hair b4 wash day?
What was your growth rate b4 using the product?
TIA - glad you had good results and were kind enough to share :)

Smell - a bit like alcohol
Use - 2 times a day, only about 3 to 4 drops are needed. For the scalp.
1/2" per month usually.

Here is the link to the product. She also sells other items.

PrincessDiva said:
I purchased the Bes oil but didn`t notice anything spectacular..I was afraid of the Jo oil brcause it contains ammonia:eek: but many people say it really works.....

Do you know the other ingredients??? (The PJ in me is curious, but the reformed part will not aloow me to purchase)
frankie said:
Do you know the other ingredients??? (The PJ in me is curious, but the reformed part will not aloow me to purchase)

She will not state the other herbs that she uses.
She will not state the other herbs that she uses.

Got it...I just took a peek at the site...you had impressive results...my PJism is calling meeeeeeeeeee.

Thanks for sharing.

By the way, how long did it take to receive after placing your order???
nadine1977canada said:
I just did a light research on Ebay. Is this the oil you meant? Cause this is the only Jo Oil i found.
There is one thing do...she mentioned her daughter's hair grew 2 inches in 2 weeks..Whoah:eek: I have to wait for input about this one. Im curious...if this could stop my shedding. I might get it to try it out.

Here is the link everyone:


It might help your shedding. When I used it, my shedding decreased the very next day! I was able to comb through my natural hair with only 2 or 3 strands, before I had 15 -20 hairs!
frankie said:
Got it...I just took a peek at the site...you had impressive results...my PJism is calling meeeeeeeeeee.

Thanks for sharing.

By the way, how long did it take to receive after placing your order???

I got it fast!! It only took 2 days to arrive! If it doesn't work for you, you can always get your money back! That's within 10 days though.
I got it fast!! It only took 2 days to arrive! If it doesn't work for you, you can always get your money back! That's within 10 days though.

That is fast...I "hypothetically speaking" could have it by Friday...lol!
It might help your shedding. When I used it, my shedding decreased the very next day! I was able to comb through my natural hair with only 2 or 3 strands, before I had 15 -20 hairs!
That is exactly what i was thinking!!! :D That is why I'm already on the site like white on rice ,completing my order. LMAO. I'm thinking of trying both the annaleic oil and the jo oil. The annaleic oil scares me a bit but I'm curious
Ooh, I'll keep an eye on you guys keep posting your results. Very interesting. I have so many things right now though I really have to slow my roll. I like the ORS temple balm. My edges are coming back in but I don't know if the TB is doing it but it makes my hair feel wonderful.

I can't find surge around here and I'm afraid of MTG sooooo..... let's see how this works....
I am curious about this - believe that it could work.
But the ammonia is scaring the mess out of me.
I did quick search on ask.com about ammonia and it is not good.
Many products containing ammonia have been linked to cancer - such as commercial hair dye.

There was an older (in her 60s) friend of the family who was a vegetarian (not all her life though), and didnt drink or smoke. But she dyed her hair religiously. I knew her for 3 - 4 years before she knew she had a brain tumor.
It was pretty advance when they found out after an episode of slurred speech & dizziness at church. She passed away about a year ago.

Those who choose to use the product it would not hurt to do a search on ammonia.
Note: Ammonia is found in nature. The concentration of ammonia in hair dyes tends to be about 17% - 20som%. I think concentration and frequency make a difference.
That being said if you use the product, it is not something to "double up the dosage" on.
This just for those like me who are heavy handed with products.
I still might give it a shot if I find out the ammonia concentration in Jo oil is low enough.
Good luck ladies & Happy Hair Growing. :)

P.S - I am requesting not to be beat up for the post - just a word of caution to those who tend to be heavy handed or unaware. :D
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for me it really sounded interesting till I saw that it had ammonia in it. I am afraid that it might break down my hair, or cause a rash at my scalp or something. I know that I use ammonia on my tub to clean it adn it really is harsh, I just don't think that I can put it into my hair. I am glas that It' s working out for you all though. Thoes before/afters make me a believer that i may work!
nadine1977canada said:
That is exactly what i was thinking!!! :D That is why I'm already on the site like white on rice ,completing my order. LMAO. I'm thinking of trying both the annaleic oil and the jo oil. The annaleic oil scares me a bit but I'm curious

I just bought the ANNALLEIC OIL a week ago,and my order did come really fast,i started to use it over this past weekend....i really like the smell,its lite n yummy,and the grease itself looks like a dark applesauce....its the best i can describe it.And i find that a lil bit goes a long way.I will modertor my results,so far my scalp loves it.;)
beadedgirl said:
I just bought the ANNALLEIC OIL a week ago,and my order did come really fast,i started to use it over this past weekend....i really like the smell,its lite n yummy,and the grease itself looks like a dark applesauce....its the best i can describe it.And i find that a lil bit goes a long way.I will modertor my results,so far my scalp loves it.;)

hmmmmm.....keep up with the info. Let us know how it works.
Did anyone else go to the one about the annaleic oil and read this, "This I made sure that it will work by taking 2 weeks to meditate on making this formula and using it on my hair". I'm wondering now what exactly was she meditating on? I dont know if anyone else caught that but me but if ya'll did, what did you think of when she wrote this?
God's Anointed said:
Did anyone else go to the one about the annaleic oil and read this, "This I made sure that it will work by taking 2 weeks to meditate on making this formula and using it on my hair". I'm wondering now what exactly was she meditating on? I dont know if anyone else caught that but me but if ya'll did, what did you think of when she wrote this?

Yeah...I saw that too.
*sigh* Ladies. Patience+ low maintenance and protective styles + healthy eating, drinking plenty of water= hair growth.
I agree that patience and healthy hair techniques and drinking lots of water will help with hair growth. I also think that topical agents can work as growth aids but then it's up to us to maintain the growth. I have ENOUGH topical growth aids, so I'm not going to be JO oil. But I hope it works for others if they care to try it. For now, Nioxin is giving me the best results - and that's a hair vitamin.
I believe her site says shes in Colorado? I was a bit thrown off by "sound" of her writing, as if english is a second language for her. not that it takes away from what she does at all...but that baby grease definintely made my brows raise.
I sent her a email asking about the amount of ammonia.
She said low. :/
I sent a more specific percentage question with reason for inquiry.
I'll let you all know as soon as I find out.
well although this sounds very interesting and may actually work, I wonder what in the heck the ammonia AND alcohol is for???? Wouldn't that be drying for the hair???? And what about the long term use of something like that??? hmm The Jury is out.