Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Check out this helpful site: http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip10017.htm
I'm going to try this airdrying method similarily by...
1. Blotting my hair with an absorbent towel
2. Apply leave-in then detangle
3. Twirl my hair into a bantu knot/bun
4. Secure with a scunci tortoise concorde clip intead of a band/scrunchie 5. Let it COMPLETELY dry before taking it down
Hope this helps those who want to airdry successfully.
I'm going to try this airdrying method similarily by...
1. Blotting my hair with an absorbent towel
2. Apply leave-in then detangle
3. Twirl my hair into a bantu knot/bun
4. Secure with a scunci tortoise concorde clip intead of a band/scrunchie 5. Let it COMPLETELY dry before taking it down
Hope this helps those who want to airdry successfully.
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