Waist Length Challenge 2015

YellowMellow you look a little high waisted like me...so I think you will make it. The space between your bra and your waist is not long, but the space from your waist to your hips looks kind of long.
Guess I'm in. Will add starter pic to this post. I'll be trying to get my hair even, so I may be hovering around APL for a minute.

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YellowMellow you look a little high waisted like me...so I think you will make it. The space between your bra and your waist is not long, but the space from your waist to your hips looks kind of long.

Hmm now that I look at it you're right. This has me super pumped! I definitely don't plan on growing past WSL. My hair is barely grazing BSB right now and I feel like my hair is soooo long! Lol but when curly it's still above my shoulders. So it'd be nice to have long looking curly hair too
This is my exact goal! Whoop whoop!
Thanks for starting this JJamiah!
I am scraping APL now (see siggy).

Ultimate Goal: Whip length!
Every 2 months, treat with Arosci IRS Foam and wear straight for 1-2 weeks. During this time, I maintain my straight hair with a tiny bit of Komaza Aloe My Hair Leave-In sealed with jojoba oil. I then wrap, pincurl, or bun for bed.

While hair is not straight (Occurs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights)-
Pre-poo with a mix of neutral protein filler and MT on ends and scalp balm
Cowash with Naturelle Grow Mango Cleansing Cream
Coffee Rinse (as needed)
DC for 30 min (on Friday)
Final condition with Aussie Moist
Detangle with comb (Friday) or fingers
Towel dry
Moisturize dry hair with fenugreek leave-in and seal with avocado butter
Twist in 4 sections for the night to dry
Moisturize in the morning with KC AMH Cream and bun loosely

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: Should be around 7" to go by December.
Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural
Tips/Tricks: None that I know of!
Issues or difficulties you're having: I was having tiny wisps of breakage from the ends. I tried this technique here and breakage is virtually 0 now.
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Can I join the party? :grin:

I will be at full waist length by 2015. Here's what I have on my vision board. (Apologies to the natural in the picture but I found it on google.)

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I wanna join. This is definitely a goal I can reach by 2015.
I'm currently near APL (should be there by December).
My regimen is easy- DC, and cowash with Wen every three days, protective styling with wigs, and twists.
Thanks SmilingElephant! I have been following your thread. BTW can we get an updated natural WL siggy from you to drool over...I mean to admire? :look:

You're welcome! :)

I don't really plan on renewing my subscription...it ends on Sept 29th. But i will be posting to my tumblr...i just started it so there's not many posts right now.

I go by ConfettiCurls. So by the end of the year or in January I'll have pics of my hair straightened. I plan to anyway.
Guess I will be joining. This is what I plan to be at the end of next year. I'm still grazing MBL

Please excuse my iPhone
I'd love to join. I cut my hair to BSL a few months ago, so I feel like I have to start my journey all over again. I hate that I had to cut it!

I'm wearing a weave now until the end of October and then I'll just take it out for a short time and add it back in for another 3 months. I don't want to see my hair unless I'm taking progress pictures until I reach WL...
I am in.

Ultimate Goal: I am going for something a little longer - WHip - by December 2015.

From now until April 30, 2014, I will wear my hair up/tucked away 5-7 days a week, allowing myself 2 days to wear it down if I feel like it.

- 1x a week: Co-Cleanse, detangle, condition, oil rinse, moisturize, style
- 0-2x a week as needed: Cowash, oil rinse, moisturize, style
- 1x a month: Detangle, clarify, PT/deep condition, oil rinse, moisturize, style

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: I need 10 inches from my shortest layers (back hair) to get to WHip length. I assume WL would be 7-8 inches.

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural

Oil Rinsing is the best! Just find the right oils for you.

Issues or difficulties you're having: None at the moment. Fingers crossed.
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crashnburn that's longhairdontcare2011. Check her out on YouTube. It's not my fave channel because she's heavy on the heat, but there are a few gems. :)

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I'm going to keep it simple. Right now I am just below CBL. I plan to keep my regimen simple. I will wash and condition weekly for two weeks doing a light blow dry after each wash. I will bun daily and moisturize with my oil and water mix nightly. The next two weeks my hair will be braided or twisted to give my hair a break from heat and manipulation. I will use protein monthly and trim every three months. My hair grows fast but my retention has been terrible during my heat free stent. I am hoping that moderate heat usage will allow me to retain my length.
I'm in! May be a lofty goal for me but what the heck, right?!
I am using Lady P's Deep Moisture Method and wearing my lace wig with my hair braided in a circle pattern underneath. My regimen:

1. Daily- Take vitamins (Hair, Skin & Nails, Women's Multivitamin, Viviscal & MSM). Drink water & exercise. Massage scalp (I use N'Joy's oil). I occasionally baggy overnight as well. (Need to be more consistent with the exercise!)

2. Every other day- Spray hair with mixture of S-Curl, Infusium 23 & water (I recently added coconut oil to this mix).

3. Cowash 2-3 times a week with Mane n Tail conditioner. (I have taken weekly shampooing out of my regimen and my hair seems to love it! I was worried about build up or itchy scalp and last month, my first month of no shampoo, I had ZERO problems!) I also occasionally cowash under my steamer. Going to try to do that once a week now.

4. Take braids out after 6 weeks and use Aphogee 2-step (I did 4 weeks previously but decided to try 6 this time so when I take them out my hair will be ready for a protein treatment). This is the only time I am using shampoo (currently it's Tresemme, but normally I like to use Giovanni Deep Moisture shampoo), after taking my hair out and before a protein treatment every 6 weeks. I also pre-poo with coconut oil and DC (my DC right now is Aussie Moist Deeper moisture) with steam after the protein treatment. Then braid hair back up for another 6 weeks.

I'm only about 2" away from my short term goal of BSL now! I'm hoping to be there in January. I think WL on me is about 5" past BSL. So I have approx. 7" to go and 2 years to get there. If I stay consistent I should be there by the beginning of 2015, but I'm giving myself til the end of that year just in case!
I promised myself I wouldn't join another challenge, but this seems doable:) I think once I hit BSL, I'll join. Saving my spot
Guess I'm in. Will add starter pic to this post. I'll be trying to get my hair even, so I may be hovering around APL for a minute.

Your hair may just even itself out! I have a pic of my hair is July where my ends are see through and very uneven and fast forward to September my hair is really even! Maybe slightly off but defiantly no thin ends!:)
Ladies, I am so happy to be in this with all of you. OMG, I didn't expect such a great turn out, :giggle: honestly I thought it would be me and Mona (my wig stand's name) I just put it out there. I will be posting any question that seems to be for the group in the first post as long as I can. If you have any questions or suggestions please share. :)
Ladies thanks so much for the support and excitement for the upcoming journey.
What I am wearing in my hair right now, excuse the shiny face.. one small pump of Argan oil and SunScreen :) freshly applied..

But these are the braids I am sporting for the next 2 months :yep:

Ultimate Goal: My ultimate goal is Whip Length...
I wash and go about every 3 days when I wear my hair out with Wen, 613, and Deep condition with what ever is in my stash. I am now implementing the 2 months on and 2 months off routine, in which I will be Protective styling for 2 months then taking two months off in order to help with my boredom while in school, as well as aid me in my style challenged phase of life. :)
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: (soon to come)
Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) doesn't matter to me, I love it all...
Tips: Deep condition, don't be afraid to trim when necessary, and PS when possible.
Issues or difficulties you're having: I am style challenged and struggle to look my age or at least adultish (yes I know it isn't a word) with the styles I choose. :( go figure. I will be utilizing Youtube to help me with my hair when I remove my braids in two months... Wish me luck.


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Ultimate Goal: WL...for right now. It could become HL or beyond.

Regimen: Pre-poo/wash/condition/seal/plait

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: Finally got it right. I have 17 inches to WL.

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural

Tips/Tricks: 1) Low manipulation styles are great for reducing the amount of breakage I experience. 2) The GHE method worked for me in the past, I am going to return to it for this challenge. I do not like to add additional oils, just place the cap on after work until I go to bed and then put on my bonnet as usual.

Issues or difficulties you're having: Boring styles. My hair is in an in-between stage where it looks strange in most styles other than the plait I wear. Every.Single.Day. I need about four more inches before I'm at a position where I will feel okay to experiment a bit more with up-do styles, and Caruso roller sets.
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My ultimate goal is half-back length.

I use gvp conditioning balm when i shake and go. I can't do second day hair without casualty :) so if no condish shake/go...then scarf bun...not bunning of hair.

'try to use corresponding shampoo no later than every 4 weeks or so.

Would like to tweak just for variety, (haven't tried kenra since new routine, etc.) but never do. This reggie is heaven.

Shake and go with infusium spray.

Apply condish dry at night, in morning I add water to condish and I clip sections, comb thru each, keep in combed clipped sections, rinse condish out...shake...go.

When not shaking and going, it is wrapped in a scarf bun, at times with conditioner with cap underneath.

I never trim, just cut knots as needed. I never wear my hair stretched.


Happy growing everyone!
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YellowMellow I sure hope that happens in my case :grin:. Doing my best to keep my regimen simple and low mani.
The pic with the blue bra is in July I was unhappy with my hair so I just wore it in updos. I searched and destroy but didn't do a full blown trim. Now the pic in the sports bra is my hair as of September. My hair fixed itself!:)


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Ultimate Goal: Waist Length

Regimen: Shampoo 2x a week, condition 3x a week, DC once a week, and Protein treatment once a week.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: A lot of inches lol. I don't plan on checking except when I go in for a trim and at the check-in dates. Currently I have a fro hawk.

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural

Tips/Tricks: If you're tendered headed use a ginger tea rinse twice a week for 30 minutes to stop the soreness. It works wonders.

Issues or difficulties you're having: None thus far.


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Hi everyone! I think I'm giving myself 2 years to be waist length (I am BSB) and I really want to be more serious with my hair because I've gotten a bit lazy about it. I just need to give myself a good trim- almost a cut- by the end of this year and baby my hair more. I'm trying to do 2 months with a protective style and 2 months of care too.
I need to get back on my vitamin reggie, I had good retention while I was taking them in the beginning of my journey.
I lied to myself. :yep: I'm going to join now, instead of waiting until December. I will post a pic and current regimen on Monday.

Edit 23 Sep 13:

My current regimen is as follows:

Pre-poo w/ oil/ conditioner concoction
Shampoo w/ ORS Aloe poo 1/wk
Deep condition (moisture) w/ whatever I have on hand 1/wk
Protein as needed
LCO w/ water, Shea concoction or Kandy Kurls leave-in (until it runs out), and seal with RBO

I either bun my hair or place two big two-strand flat twist and pin up the ends. I purchased some Marley braiding hair that I plan to use this weekend.

Starting pic

Tips/Tricks: If you're tendered headed use a ginger tea rinse twice a week for 30 minutes to stop the soreness. It works wonders.

I'm going to try this ginger tea rinse. Thanks for the tip! :)

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