Waist Length Challenge 2015

I'm in :grin:

Ultimate Goal: WL
Regimen: I haven't been taking my vits. I have 1 1/2 packs of Viviscal and I just ordered Biotin 7500 mcgs so I will consistently take my vits . I'm thinking about trying Hair Finity once I finish up Viviscal not sure yet. I will deep condition once a week, co wash once a week when I'm 8 weeks post relaxed. I will either bun or pull my hair back into a ponytail and baggie my ends. Do a hot oil treatment monthly. That's all I can think of now. I'm not going to start back going overboard buying different things. I'm going to keep it simple.
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 6-I'm 3 to 4 inches from full mb then I will need 3 to 4 more inches to be WL.
Issues or difficulties you're having: None but if I can thicken my sides up that would be saweet. Let's get it growing:yep:
tsmith because you have similar measurement to me and a couple other shorter ladies. :yep: I'm 5'2"

5'4" isn't short to me though.
@Froreal3 5 "4 to 5 "5 is average height lol but I'm currently 13 inches and my hair is touching the top part of my bra. I did a trim last week. I had my guy measure how many inches I have to get to MB and he said 3 but I threw in another inch to make it full mb now from there I have about 3 or 4 more inches to go to WL.
Yeah, you're average height. :)

tsmith I have 6 inches to go and my hair is only 11 inches, so it makes sense that we both have six inches to go since you're a couple inches taller. Your WL must be around 19 inches. Mine is around 17. I also have another 3 inches to MBL...and I aint throwin in no other inch. :lol: Soon as one hair touches, I'm claiming! :lol:

Good luck! You don't have much longer to go at all.
I plan on massaging my scalp tonight for my inversion. I finanlly found a comfortable way to set my hair for the night. Before I was setting my hair in two braids. Now I just put my braids in a low bun and put a scarf on.
So I said I would be more active on LHCF, but I realized I can't with my school and work schedule, but here is a hair update (I hope I am attaching the pictures correctly). I straightened my hair on Oct. 23rd. The stylist did a trim, but it was very necessary. I straighten my hair 2-3 times a year. I am about 7 inches away from waist length.


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Gorgeous hair! Ceemarie82

I think I'm going to stop cowashing and just use less shampoo or start doing prepoos. I noticed build up on my scalp, I don't think I'm doing it right :/
Gorgeous hair! Ceemarie82

I think I'm going to stop cowashing and just use less shampoo or start doing prepoos. I noticed build up on my scalp, I don't think I'm doing it right :/

Sholapie, that's the main reason why I stopped cowashing so often. I usually cowash once a week; on Thursdays and shampoo on Sundays. I can't just exclusively cowash.
Spritzing my braids 2day with water & sealing with olive oil. I think I'll go ahead and do my inversion too.
Just put some conditioner in my hair. The press is over. About to try this wash n go thing. See how it works. Otherwise these products go back to the store!
Sholapie, try coating your hair with conditioner and then using a pointy squirt bottle to put diluted shampoo on your scalp, massage your scalp then rinse the everything off. Has been working for me :)

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Just took down two week old twists, finger detangled with coconut oil and left it in under a plastic cap for an over night prepoo.

Tomorrow I will shampoo, protein treatment, DC, moisturize, seal and style in twists for another two weeks.
So... I washed my hair could've done a better deep conditioning treatment, but oh well.

And my curls have loosened. So I know I need to up my protein treatments. I thing it could be a combination of the highlights and the press, BUT it's not too bad or noticeable to others.

But! I have finally gotten the wash and go! And I'm on second day hair?! Who AM I?

I used Shea Moisture's curl and style milk (not heavy enough just as a leave in) and I used 3 Sisters of Natural curling Gelo. My hair looks so good still!

I will never have hair that isn't big, but that is JUST fine by me.


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I just moisturized my hair with new moisturizer. So far i like results. I also like how easy my hair is to manage in mini twists. I think i might keep this set in for the winter.
Gorgeous hair! Ceemarie82

I think I'm going to stop cowashing and just use less shampoo or start doing prepoos. I noticed build up on my scalp, I don't think I'm doing it right :/

I like to do a mud wash every other weekend; that seems to help with the buildup. Also ACV rinses.

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What is your new moisturizer Napp?

Its La brasiliana dieci. Its technically a leave in. It reminds me of s curl or Hawaiian silky but without a greasy feel. I can't wait to try it with a wash n go. It makes my hair feel smooth and silky.
Hola Bonitas,

I am winding down slowly the semester's end and I have decided not to remove the braids until the ending of semester.

I am anxious to see what is going on under these braids. I am washing with Wen, and Shea Moisture Cleansing Conditioner... and using the moisture spray for Karens Beautiful Body...
Ultimate Goal: Waist Length
Regimen: I recently decided to start wearing my hair so I wash weekly and twist it up. I don't use shampoos, but co-wash (or use Wen), apply a treatment overnight (alternate weekly between protein and my honey & heavy whipping cream mask) and then in the morning, rinse, spray with Aveeno leave in, slather with S-Curl, seal with Brahmi and twist up for the week.
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 10
Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural
Tips/Tricks: I have finally gotten to the point where my hair doesn't shrink back up into my scalp so I can wear it without too much of challenge. Also I am now working in a relaxed work environment so there is less pressure to manipulate my hair. I anticipate my edges loving me the most!
I am in. If I don't make WL by the end of 2015 I don't deserve to keep my hair! I'm like 2-4 inches from claiming SL so I think I can do it. I'm in the process of making changes to my regimen to include ayurvedic stuff so closer to January I will post my stats with a pic and my reggie. One thing will never change. Pre-pooing with tea and a creamy DC. My holy grail technique! I originally thought MBL would be my ultimate goal but I want to see if I can do it! Then decide what I wanna do.
I am in. If I don't make WL by the end of 2015 I don't deserve to keep my hair! I'm like 2-4 inches from claiming SL so I think I can do it. I'm in the process of making changes to my regimen to include ayurvedic stuff so closer to January I will post my stats with a pic and my reggie. One thing will never change. Pre-pooing with tea and a creamy DC. My holy grail technique! I originally thought MBL would be my ultimate goal but I want to see if I can do it! Then decide what I wanna do.

Hi Babygrowth. EnExitStageLeft started a thread titled The Pro's and Con's of Ayurveda. I think you may be interested. :yep::yep:
I am in. If I don't make WL by the end of 2015 I don't deserve to keep my hair! I'm like 2-4 inches from claiming SL so I think I can do it. I'm in the process of making changes to my regimen to include ayurvedic stuff so closer to January I will post my stats with a pic and my reggie. One thing will never change. Pre-pooing with tea and a creamy DC. My holy grail technique! I originally thought MBL would be my ultimate goal but I want to see if I can do it! Then decide what I wanna do.

I see you already found the thread! :grin:
It's been about 2 weeks since I implemented a skin/HAIR/ nails "diet" and I see good improvement in my skin so far. My nails are growing nicely but I've been slacking on their maintenance. We'll see what my hair growth is in 3-6 months.

1. Water
2. Green Smoothie
3. Vitamins
4. Green Vibrance Powder (mixed with orange juice and MSM powder)
Checking in. I spritz my braids this morning with my leave-in mixture and sealed with Olive oil. I might have to wash my hair sooner than later. My goal was to wait until the 1st week of December to wash my hair but my scalp is very itchy.