Waist Length 2014

Current Length as of 11/25/13



:drool: :lick: :love:

Thanks Girl! I'm tryin' to get like you in a few years. When I start stalkin for tips, just remember I told you before hand.

Also, I don't have a local indian grocer. Do you know a reputable seller online?
:) EnExitStageLeft I don't buy Indian stuff, so I wouldn't know. I used to know some when I lived back home. I can probably ask some people I know for you though.

Are you going to start cutting/maintain when you get to WL? I can't wait to see your natural progress. *giddy*
Ultimate Goal: TBL Stretched

Current Length: MBL (#15 on my shirt), approximately 16.5" from my nape area

Regimen: I *try* to do the following- weekly sulphate free shampoo, weekly co-wash when necessary, weekly DC (ALWAYS), monthly dusting, bi-monthly henna, bi-monthly protein treatment, monthly re-style. Protective style 90+% and heat-free 99%.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: I would say 3.5 to 4 inches because I want the last four inches of my nape to all at least be WL

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural

Tips/Tricks: Oil rinsing, 35% damp finger detangling, leaving my hair alone as far as manipulation is concerned, best accomplished by PS-ing

Issues or difficulties you're having:
Leaving my hair alone. Not leaving it loose for more than 2 days a month. PJism to make it manageable enough where I can leave it loose for longer periods of time without sacrificing length...

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It's December y'all. * Praise dance for Jesus' birthday coming soon* Then another praise break that ya girl finished Christmas shopping last month. Whew...that headache is over!

Anywho...any goals for this month hair wise? Mine are the following:
Take my senegalese twists out the week before Christmas.
Deeeeeeeeep deep condition and do a bomb roller set just in time for the holidays
Add me please. Post my stats manana.

ETA: I have no clue how many inches I have to get to waist length. I swear my back is long as hayell! :blush: :sad: :nono:
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Thanks Girl! I'm tryin' to get like you in a few years. When I start stalkin for tips, just remember I told you before hand.

Also, I don't have a local indian grocer. Do you know a reputable seller online?

What are you looking for? I bout Amla, Brahmi, Tulsi, Neem and Arithra a few weeks ago. We can work an arrangement and I will ship them to you. I paid $2.50 - $4 a box, and I think I am exaggerating with the $4.
Oh my - so many beautiful lucious heads of hair up in here!
Proud and happy for all of you. The rest of us are on our way!:yep:
Ladies, I just bought a 3 month supply of Priteva. I won't use my normal topical growth aides when I start taking these. I'll keep yall updated.
I mentioned before that my senegalese twists were starting to get frizzy and have that halo effect. This morning I co-washed them with Enjoy Luxury conditioner (it's super thick so i had to water it down alot). Towel dried for a little over an hour and used kknt as a leave in. Smoothed my hair right on out and now I'm happy with them again. :grin: I'll be doing this weekly until I take them out so I can welcome some nice juicy conditioned strands.

Here's a tip for NGraceO or anyone else that has them or are thinking of getting some. To keep them looking fresh, the key is how you maintain them at night and how much you manipulate them. Before bed (or after washing) I put them in two large twists with an elastic band to secure the ends...pull the two big twists to the top of my head then put on a bonnet. This is also a good time to moisturize if you are going to...the bonnet will help them lay flat and minimize the frizzies you may get from moisturizing. The picture on the top right is how they look today after cowashing.
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It's December y'all. * Praise dance for Jesus' birthday coming soon* Then another praise break that ya girl finished Christmas shopping last month. Whew...that headache is over!

Anywho...any goals for this month hair wise? Mine are the following:
Take my senegalese twists out the week before Christmas.
Deeeeeeeeep deep condition and do a bomb roller set just in time for the holidays

My plan is to only wear wash n'gos :look:. Doesn't sound hard, but I've been considering locing my hair because of how much I was over my loose hair. But I've found my happy place and I need to have a permanent seat :lachen: . I'm doing the final final test of my 2014 routine:
1. Wash n 'go with gel and diffuse
2. shampoo, DC, and repeat every 7-10 (leaning to 10) days
My plan is to only wear wash n'gos :look:. Doesn't sound hard, but I've been considering locing my hair because of how much I was over my loose hair. But I've found my happy place and I need to have a permanent seat :lachen: . I'm doing the final final test of my 2014 routine:
1. Wash n 'go with gel and diffuse
2. shampoo, DC, and repeat every 7-10 (leaning to 10) days

ckisland I've been there with wash n gos everyday. I'm now doing twist and redoing them about every week. It took a long time to get where I could do this but I'm loving it now.
I just ordered 2 bottles of Priteva. Can't wait till I get them.

Between those, a few other supplements, water, exercise, a healthy diet, sleep, and my protein treatments, Lord willing, I should be waist length in 2014.:yep:
ckisland I've been there with wash n gos everyday. I'm now doing twist and redoing them about every week. It took a long time to get where I could do this but I'm loving it now.

Wash n'goes are addictive, aren't they :lachen:! I was doing them everyday in the beginning but my hair's not about that life anymore. Then I started doing twists and braids only to find out that my hair can't handle the manipulation required for twists/twistouts :spinning:. Thankfully my hair actually loves my wash n'go addiction :grin:.
I'm unofficially joining for support! I am too busy to officially join. But, I'm already MBL and natural. So, hopefully, by the end of 2014 I can either be closer to WL or there all together.
Checking in: My wash day should be fun with my new Blk Friday goodies. Think I will try the Soultanicals stuff.
Wanted to thank everyone for their support!!

Excessive shedding has slowed (if not stopped) and thanks to the motivation of this thread I was able to resist the urge for a major cut! I did quench my thirst by creating a little bang... I like my hair much better framing my face. I am still planning a 1-2" trim soon, along with possibly adding layers for apparent volume until true thickness returns.

My plan of action:

•Stop stressing
•Add black tea rinses to wash days
•Return to healthy eating & exercise
•Add a multivitamin
•Decrease tension & manipulation
•Pay more attention to moist/protein balance
•Stop stressing
•Trim gradually
•Castor/coconut oil on scalp & thin spots
•Light scalp massage w/ Inversion
•Keep hair stretched to avoid feeling bald
•Stop stressing

To WL & beyond!

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I have my sights set in a FHI Platform with 1 3/4 in plates that I would love to use to do my Dec length check (originally I decided to stay away from heat until WL, but I can't resist the urge to see my progress by ending the year with a good flat iron LC vs a stretching LC).

Any experiences with FHI ladies? Good and bad welcome. The world of flat irons is a daunting one for me.

Found my steamer! *sings* Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeee! lol It's fairly priced and just right for me. I have to hold off on ordering it...the good and bad thing is it's 2 days shipping. That's great but I know if I receive it early, I'm going to want to take these braids out and put it to use. I have no plans on doing that until the week before Christmas (or even the week of). So I guess I will wait and order around the 17th or 18th.:lick:
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So I went to see Frozen this weekend and I liked the Snow Queen's (Elsa) hairstyle so much I decided to do an adaptation of it. I think it came out nice, and it is a good, comfortable protective style for me. Here it is:

And from the other side:

And from the back:

As you can see (I hope), it's a side roll with a braid rolled into a bun in the back.
This is my first attempt at Disney hair and I must say I am pleased. :yep:
Why doesn't it feel like my hair has grown since my September LC? Granted I haven't done an official check, but it still seems like it's measuring the same. I swear I'm not going to measure or check until June! Grrr...