Hanging in there, WL is just a dream I hope to make a reality. The day my hair grazed APl when I pulled it was a miracle to me. I was in total shock, and awe. It was just the back not the front, but it was something I inspired to my whole pre teen life. I recall looking at the black girls with full shoulder length hair thinking, I wish my hair would touch my shoulders. My blow out is shoulder length now. Looking forward to the day my WNG is full shoulder length.
Right now I am really feeling ACV rinses, and eucalyptus oil, these are my new discoveries. Trying sunflower oil in my oil rinse instead of sesame oil. Don't see any improvement there, but it doesn't seem to be a problem either. Looking for that wonder oil. Still married to castor, coconut, emu, and sesame oils, just slipping out on the side.