VO5 Conditioners!

DarkJoy - thanks. My granddaughter is a li'l me. She loves being girly girly.

OK - so I went to CVS and purchased a couple of bottles (12 :lachen:) for my granddaughter. <lol> She loves the different flavored scents. I would very much like for her to be well aware of hair care.

She has her own personal hair care products stash :lachen:- thanks to ... YOU KNOW WHO :spinning:

Her stash consists of:
  • Africa Best Scalp conditioner
  • Castor Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • 15 bottles of VO5 ( moisturizing & clarifying shampoo and conditioners) various scents
  • Cantu Shea conditioner
  • Herbal Essences (Hello hydration)
  • Spray bottle for water to moisturize
  • Plastic caps
  • 2 satin hair bonnets
:lol: - Bad Grandma!!!! :grin:
Did you really say 12?!?! 15 bottles total?! Noo...nooooo... that is surely a typo! :giggle:
Your DGD is truly lucky to have you ilong!

Hmmm... tomorrow, I'll be on the hunt... that CVS is huge! I might end up with 6 bottles in my stash. Nothing compared to you divas, apparently!

Oh and btw, V05 fans: The day is gone but my 'fro is STILL extremely moisturized from my cowashes this morning. Like butta. And I didnt even use a leave-in (I never do). Yessssss! Yessssssssssssss! :reddancer:
Did you really say 12?!?! 15 bottles total?! Noo...nooooo... that is surely a typo! :giggle:
Your DGD is truly lucky to have you @ilong!

Hmmm... tomorrow, I'll be on the hunt... that CVS is huge! I might end up with 6 bottles in my stash. Nothing compared to you divas, apparently!

Oh and btw, V05 fans: The day is gone but my 'fro is STILL extremely moisturized from my cowashes this morning. Like butta. And I didnt even use a leave-in (I never do). Yessssss! Yessssssssssssss! :reddancer:

DarkJoy - no it isn't a typo - it should be- :lol: but isn't.
I am seriously hoping to teach my DGD the importance of hair care, enjoying and feeling beautiful with her hair, how much fun it can be (with the different flavors), managing and maintaining her personal items, leveraging a good sale :giggle:, etc. I want her to learn, know and practice while she is young.
She has a healthy :spinning: collection of hair bows, barrettes, etc. also.
Hopefully, when she gets older, hair care will be as easy as dental care and taking a shower/bath.
Love this stuff when I'm on a budget.
The split end anti breakage gets slept on so much but it is the best one.
Ohh there's a flavor for split ends?! Nevver seen this one! Oh no!! :blush:

@DarkJoy - no it isn't a typo - it should be- :lol: but isn't.
I am seriously hoping to teach my DGD the importance of hair care, enjoying and feeling beautiful with her hair, how much fun it can be (with the different flavors), managing and maintaining her personal items, leveraging a good sale :giggle:, etc. I want her to learn, know and practice while she is young.
She has a healthy :spinning: collection of hair bows, barrettes, etc. also.
Hopefully, when she gets older, hair care will be as easy as dental care and taking a shower/bath.
I hope the same for my DD as well! Actually now, she loooves sittin and gettin her hair did! lol

OK, so I only found one 'new' flavor, which is the Balancing one (Raspberry). Yessss!!! It has panthenol towards the end of the list--and lemme tell you it DOES add a little strength! I use it a cpl times a week.

Also, using this regularly the last week (almost daily) I've noticed a MAD reduction in tangles and SSKs!!!!:drunk:
DarkJoy - OK I am declaring it "officially your fault" that I have to go buy more VO5 products for my DGD. :lachen: You mentioned raspberry and I haven't seen that one. So I will have to go on a hunt! :grin:.
I can imagine how good it smells and I know my DGD would love it.

I am sure I will have to go to the more <***clears throat***> "affluent" :spinning: neighborhoods to find the new products.

BTW- I also purchase extra for my neice whose income/expenses are very tight. She loves VO5 also.
@DarkJoy - OK I am declaring it "officially your fault" that I have to go buy more VO5 products for my DGD. :lachen: You mentioned raspberry and I haven't seen that one. So I will have to go on a hunt! :grin:.
I can imagine how good it smells and I know my DGD would love it.

I am sure I will have to go to the more <***clears throat***> "affluent" :spinning: neighborhoods to find the new products.

BTW- I also purchase extra for my neice whose income/expenses are very tight. She loves VO5 also.
Oooo! You can't put that on me! :lachen: Ok, maybe you can just a bit, but it's so gooooood! The raspberry smells nice too! Sweet like candy... your DGD will LOVE it! Your neice, though on a budget, is making a very wise choice in product! Yep. :yep:

Was just thinking I waanted to co-wash and set my hair...maybe I'll use the raspberries and see how it comes out this time :lick: Gonna do that in a few minutes :grin:
Although I am guilty as charged - buying when I shouldn't :perplexed. DarkJoy is the blame for my purchasing 5 new flavors of VO5 conditioner (including Island Coconut) for DGD :yep::grin:. She has already 'fessed up!!!:spinning:
FIVE *new* flavors ilong?!?! There's a coconut?!?! Which lines are they one? Are they moisture millks? Balancing? Quick! I need to fulfill some PJism...hey wait--now I think YOU'RE to blame for my new PJ-holic ways! :lachen:
Ohh there's a flavor for split ends?! Nevver seen this one! Oh no!! :blush:

I hope the same for my DD as well! Actually now, she loooves sittin and gettin her hair did! lol

OK, so I only found one 'new' flavor, which is the Balancing one (Raspberry). Yessss!!! It has panthenol towards the end of the list--and lemme tell you it DOES add a little strength! I use it a cpl times a week.

Also, using this regularly the last week (almost daily) I've noticed a MAD reduction in tangles and SSKs!!!!:drunk:

Yes, it's not scented like the others. It's just a typical conditioner scent, which I prefer lately. It's blue, and I usually find it in the AA hair products section, idk why. But it's still the same price! :)

And it gives more slip than the moisture milks for me.
It took me awhile to figure out how to use these. I use these to "clean" then follow up with a moisturizing conditioner because these don't do a great job of conditioning. I feel like the thinness and wateryness of them do a great job of cleaning my hair. I usually follw up with WEN and the combo is perfect!
V05 is supposed to be on sale at CVS this week for 82 cents so I think I'll grab a few more bottles on my way home after work.
londonfog - STOP!!!
You know DarkJoy and I do not need to purchase not one more bottle of VO5. BUT... if I happen to be in the store and I see the split ends anti-breakage I may pick up 1 or 2 bottles and blame londonfog:yep:
DarkJoy - so how many bottles are you going to buy at that "huge CVS" near your job?:lachen::lachen::lachen:

OK - I have to share. This morning I was doing my DGD hair and I asked her if she wanted Strawberry on her hair? She replied - no I want the peachie one. :lol::lol::lol: - I know I am creating a hair product PJ in my DGD. But I would rather one day she post on LHCF how her DGM kept her hair product stash supplied for good hair practices than post on bad relaxers, weaves, extensions. etc.
Yes, @londonfog will have to take the brunt of this burden of guilt... tsktsk!


Guilty as charged!! I work for one of their corporate offices & my sister works in a retail store honey chile so y'all liable to be charging me all the time! :grin: Now quit playing & tell me how that raspberry one worked before I get off! LOLOL!:lachen::lachen:
Walmart stores in my area typically sell VO5 for $.74 BUT they don't always have the latest and greatest.
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londonfog - GIRLLLLLL - you are hereby banded from this thread!!!:grin: You are (smart) doing some job security type promoting here - by telling us hair PJs what's new on the market for VO5.

But you really need to tell the folks at VO5 that you do your part in promoting sales.:lol:

If VO5 only knew how much business these forums LHCF, hairlista, BHM, etc
is responsible for - they would be up in here doing something.

I participate in 3 forums for my business and all of them have supplier sections. And you can bet believe those suppliers do doggone good business through those forums. They are also embedded focus groups, beta groups when the suppliers develop and want to trial a new product.
@londonfog - GIRLLLLLL - you are hereby banded from this thread!!!:grin: You are (smart) doing some job security type promoting here - by telling us hair PJs what's new on the market for VO5.

But you really need to tell the folks at VO5 that you do your part in promoting sales.:lol:

If VO5 only knew how much business these forums LHCF, hairlista, BHM, etc
is responsible for - they would be up in here doing something.

I participate in 3 forums for my business and all of them have supplier sections. And you can bet believe those suppliers do doggone good business through those forums. They are also embedded focus groups, beta groups when the suppliers develop and want to trial a new product.

ilong, Oh nooo! I work for the corporate office for CVS! If I worked for V05 we all would have the hook-up in here because I'd be going strong in the marketing department. Coupons & more coupons on top of sales!!! Then I'd buy company stock while I was at it! :lachen:
londonfog - sorry my bad!!!


@londonfog - GIRLLLLLL - you are hereby banded from this thread!!!:grin: You are (smart) doing some job security type promoting here - by telling us hair PJs what's new on the market for VO5 and what's on sale at CVS.

But you really need to tell the folks at CVS that you do your part in promoting sales.:lol:

If CVS only knew how much business these forums LHCF, hairlista, BHM, etc
is responsible for - they would be up in here doing something


Guilty as charged!! I work for one of their corporate offices & my sister works in a retail store honey chile so y'all liable to be charging me all the time! :grin: Now quit playing & tell me how that raspberry one worked before I get off! LOLOL!:lachen::lachen:

londonfog That raspberry is GOOD! I'm using it to add extra protein a cpl times a week to my regimen. Panthenol is like 6th to last on the ingredients list. So it's not much. My hair doesnt get mushy soft as it can with the moisture milks using the Raspberry Balancing flavor... oh yes! Yes! Do grab a bottle---or 10 (and not blame me :sekret:)

ilong, that big CVS which is warehouse size, was WIPED OUT during the last sale! But from what I can see they didn't have the newer ones. I did pick up that Raspberry. Their V05 inventory was less than the small CVS near my home. I didnt like that :look:. I was at CVS earlier today and totally forgot! :wallbash: hmm... what to do, what to do.... :rolleyes:
Joining this thread.....just realised i have a huge stash of vo5. It's the only brand i use for co washing. The UK doesn't have all these flavours though.....or do they? I will be doing a feild survey during my lunch break tomorrow!
Welcome to the V05 thread @Bublin! Looks like they have a couple of new lines! For our fine hair, I recommend the Balancing line :lick: Smells soooo tasty!

I would like to find this antibreakage line, however. I'll be on the hunt this week--just looking of course :fairy:!