Vitamins with High Protein Content ?


New Member
Hey , i want a high protein diet, but i realised i cant get enough protein as i want. So in addition to my diet, i would like to know if anyone knows any vitamins that are have a high protein content

Twinlab Amino Acids??
I just started taking 90% protein shake from pruitan's pride it cost like %6.00 and it includes all of the essential amino acids. It had all of the ingredients in hf37 step two pills. but with higher %
Nekee, why don't you check in health stores. They are bound to have a protein mix powder that you mix in juice or water replete with all the necessary amino acids. Otherwise, just shop for an amino acid complex supplement, which is the simplest form you can get protein in, so you skip the digestion part => fast absorption.

If you want a supplement that has both protein and vitamins, how about trying Spirulina, also found in health stores. It's a green powder that doesn't exactly look or smell appetizing but you can mix it in juice and it's one of the healthiest foods on earth. You can read more about it at but if you just wanna see what's in it, check out this page.
I agree about checking health food stores.I found excellent supplements in a health food store in Trinidad once.
Hey Nekee,
You can order your products through Puritan Prides Catalog. I'm sure they will ship. I don't have the info now, I'm at work. I will post it later.