Vitamins That Soften Hair Texture & Thicken Hair Strands

Soften texture from the inside...this is news to me.

Many have found that MSM soften hair texture. I have tested out and I can confirm the same. I was just wondering if there were other things that can help soften hair through diet/vitamins.
I haven't ever heard of a real "pill" that softens texture. Maybe I am not understanding what exactly you mean, can you explain further?

The only things that truly change texture are chemicals. Some have reported their texture "lengthened" when they used henna on a regular basis, but as far as a pill? Never heard of one myself, but I guess that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Eta: I have internally and externally used coconut oil for 15+yrs, and it has NEVER softened or changed my texture. It just penetrates the hair cortex and strengthens the hair strand.
The main ones are the ones you've listed, particularly MSM and silica. The only thing I would add is taking high doses gives much better results
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