Vitamins/Supplements & Crazy Dreams


New Member
I've started taking vitamins & supplements again. I'm taking a multivitamin, biotin, msm, & iron.

Three days ago I dreamt there was some kind of civil war in America and I was with a band of rogue citizens fighting the government.

Two days ago I dreamt about a zombie apocalypse and there were zombies and monsters roaming the streets. I had to hid in a ditch because the zombies spotted me and I had no weapons.

Last night I dreamt my Nintendo Wii gave birth to twin babies...

What in the world is going on??? :look::lol::lol::lol:

I've been taking iron for quite a while because I'm anemic. I added the biotin and multivitamin about 2.5 weeks ago. The biotin is high potency (10,000 mcg), and I started taking the msm on Monday.

I'm guessing the combination of these things has started messing with my dreams? This didn't happen before I started my regimen so that has to be the cause. Is anyone else having this problem? How long did it last?

I'm all about improving my health, but I have to draw the line at Wiis giving birth :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Lol haha I've been having some pretty weird dreams since I started taking vits for my hair too. I dreamt I went to death row, and last night/ this morning I dreamt I witnessed a stabbing and took the knife out of the guys hand lol I'm going to see if I can research this.
I am taking memory and brain vitamins. dear husband says they increase brain activity' hence the dreams.

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I only have crazy dreams when I take MSM. There was an explanation in a thread on here as to why that happens. Or maybe it was on BHM.
Yes, many ladies have reported having "vivid" dreams while taking MSM. Your dreams were great! LoL
OP, I'd rather have your vivid dreams than the mild sadness I've experienced after taking a daily multi!

I don't know which ingredient causes it, but more than once I've taken a multi and 30 minutes later I could do nothing but lie on the floor and :cry3:

Not to hijack, but I'd love more information if anyone knows what might cause this...
Yeah, MSM gives me some wild cool dreams. I like taking it, it makes bedtime fun, except for the dream where im about to get killed by Optimus Prime:look:
LoL! My dreams are always about being friends with or hanging out with various celebrities. They're usually asking me for my opinion or advice about something. :s

Sorry, I dunno, hon. That sounds terrible. I say that you should switch vitamins then. I use a cheap prenatal with my MSM powder and a chewable Vitamin C.
LoL! My dreams are always about being friends with or hanging out with various celebrities. They're usually asking me for my opinion or advice about something. :s

Sorry, I dunno, hon. That sounds terrible. I say that you should switch vitamins then. I use a cheap prenatal with my MSM powder and a chewable Vitamin C.

I wish my dreams were this pleasant! Maybe because i watch more cartoons and anime than I want to admit. Im always breathing fire, on the magic school bus, flying with superpowers, getting chased. If iwas hanging out with friends like you it would be like " Royalq, there's no time to talk, The Fallen have arrived here on Pandora so get your head in the game! Be strong! Quickly, take your weapons and prepare for battle! SPARTANS!!! CHARGE!!" And usually these things make complete sense until i wake up and think about it :lol:
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OMG, that is HILARIOUS!!

And I know exactly what you mean about things makings sense while you're dreaming.
Fhrizzball I'm taking 2,000 mg of msm. I think the dreams did start becoming more vivid around the time I started taking the msm, but I didn't think to attribute it to that alone. I thought maybe I added one too many thing and was having a mild "supplement overdose" :lol:. I didn't know msm affected sleep. I should have looked a little more before I decided to take it. At least I know I am not alone.

demlew I've never experienced sadness with a multivitamin. What kind are you taking? I would probably try another brand.
No msm in my vitamins, ginkgo biloba , ginsing, tumeric, bacopa, acetyl-l-carnitine and normal commons LOL.

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BraunSugar and MzSwift - I appreciate the input. I was taking a CVS multi with the added minerals. A separate incident happened after I took the Vitamin Shoppe brand with the antioxidants. I had taken the VS brand before without issues, but it didn't agree with me this time.

I'm no longer taking a multi since I don't know what's causing this side effect. I'm gonna try juicing instead.