Vitamins making me tired?


New Member
I take my vitamins (centrum, zinc, EPO, biotin, vit E) in the morning or afternoon after I've eaten and I drink my MSM in my water throughout the day. Either way I'm done taking them by 3pm. However, I'm always exhausted. I've heard of MSM giving boosts of energy. I almost feel sapped. Please tell me I'm not the only one
:nono: you are NOT the only one....I sometimes wonder if I'm taking too many vitamins because I feel more sluggish than energized. :confused: I've already decided that once I'm done with the bottles I'm currently taking (listed in my siggy) the only vitamins I'll take is the b-complex, a multi and the powdered MSM in my water....that's it!!
I found that EPO made me tired ( i think) , i used it last month and man I had the worst period I had ever had, it was heavy and painful and I had the most severe PMS b4 it too , i was overwhelmed with emotion,,Ive stopped since, Im afraid of that stuff, i also noticed, sorry if this is TMI but i had a problem with my sex drive too, now i cant blame this all on EPO without proof but im all better now and im not using it so im just steering clear of it, i think it really altered my hormonal balance
hairmaster said:
You lack IRON. Iron poor hair makes you feel sluggish, try amuilty with iron vitamine...

Where can you get that vitamin? Is it hard on your stomach? I have a low iron level and I am looking to boost it up.
EPO has worked well for me. It helps with cramps A LOT. I used to have to take Midol everyday now I can go complete cycles without it.
I had a really heavy period from taking multivitamins and it was still light during the time my period was supposed to be off! I had to stop taking them.
Brownshugaz said:
EPO has worked well for me. It helps with cramps A LOT. I used to have to take Midol everyday now I can go complete cycles without it.
isnt that weird how the same thing can have a total opposite effect on diff people, kinda scary lol,, it did anything but help my cycle and it seemed to throw my whole sexual homeostasis off balance, i wonder if i starteed at too large a dose, i began at 2000 mg
I've heard EPO has an effect on maybe thats' why it affects different people in different ways.

I've noticed nausea & sluggishness with GNC Ultranourishair; but not other hair vitamins.
I take 1 EPO maybe once a day or every 2 days. I dont take 2 a day like the recommendation because i feel like it made my stomache bloated. but the only reason i do take it is because it made my cramps much less severe and my cycle is lighter. And as far as MSM, i have been taking powder form in a glass of water and right after a few sips I feel sleepy and relaxed. But only for maybe 30mins or so. I have noticed it for a while. it is getting better now. and my MSM headaches are completely gone. I've been taking it for maybe 5 weeks now...
i think thats what im lacking is Iron because i sometimes am taking my vitamins but not consistently either and im usually tired and my energy is gone by 12 or 1....i brought some Iron but only took it one day....i need to take some today...its really bad when im sneaking off @ work and going to take a nap...
I don't take all those vitamins.. Just a multi vitamin I take Murad skin clarifying vitamin and I love it. It has done wonders for my skin and hair. I also take Iron and vitamin C and I feel better than before. All those vitamins gave me headaches. but the Iron By far is the best thing I put into my regimine:D
If you're detoxing, you will feel tired. Some vitamins do cause you to detox (which is good) and afterwards your energy starts to increase, eventually surpassing what it was before.