Vitamins for hair: pill ALTERNATIVES?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Well....I have trouble swalowing, of course I hate taking them! I mean, even the smaller pills give me trouble and even if I take them with a drink. Are there any forms of the popular vitamins in some kind of powder form that can be mixed with water? Like L-Cysteine, MSM (I think that's it), and.....there is something else really popular but I cannot think of the name......

Anyway, I'd rather have a yucky drink than to have to choke down a pill!
centrum? whats in that? whats it taste like? Oh, and I remembered the other vitamin....biotin!

thanks for the rec!
Centrum is a regular multivitamin that has the majority if not all of the water and fat soluble vitamins and some minerals.

It can come in pill or liquid form

I don't know what it taste like, but you can get it from most grocery stores or like the supplement section at walmart.
You could eat foods rich in B vitamins and protein. Just eating 5 veggies a day could boost up that growth.