Vitamin Regimens--How Long Before Results?


New Member
To those of you who incorporate vitamins as a part of your growth regimen, how long was it before you started to see significant results from the vitamins?

TIA! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Depending on what you consider "results"...When i was taking them consistently i noticed that my hair grew in more "rich looking" (which is a personal preference for me) about 2-3 months afterwards. MSM also softened my new growth in some areas in as short as 1 month! I took the SourceNaturals brand 1mg tablets 1x daily and they're the most effective brand i've tried.
As far as increased growth, I cant say I've noticed a significant amount. My hair grew MUCH more last year than it has grown in past years, but i think that was a result of overall care.
I think it all depends on ther person as far as visible results. WIth each vitamin I added I usually saw results after a month. I have noticed though that after taking them for 3 months it was if my body had gotten used to my vitamins regimen because the results weren't as effective. What I do now is every 2 months I'll change my dosages, what I take or the time of day I take them.
Hi, Justice4alw. I started taking UNH in addition to my multi a month ago (the bottle contains a one-month supply). I didn't see any difference at all in the first couple of weeks so I didn't plan on replenishing my supply but maybe three weeks into taking it, I did notice my hair became much thicker and stronger. I have very fine, thin hair and the difference was very noticeable.

I'm a strong believer in keeping things simple so all I take is a multi and the UNH and I'm more than satisfied with the results.
There is several factors that determine how fast you see results in taking of any vitamins. One, which brand are you taking? majority of the market is filled with synthetic vitamins...they need food to help carry them /images/graemlins/smile.gif if they are not "time release" as soon as you do a number one they leave the system (not giving you body enough time to get all the benefits it needs to) second how much meat do you eat? this plays a HUGE part in seeing and getting this benefits from ANY vitamin Third... what do you take it with? for every ONE pill you take you need 8floz of water with it...this is how it is shown to have its effect in the labs, it needs that much water to "CARRY" it or else you pass it faster than you would like to...hence you get NO benefit at all, this is a fact. There are rules with taking any form of vitamins or medication orally and you MUST follow them to get the benefit.
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beana3 said:
MSM also softened my new growth in some areas in as short as 1 month!

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I agree. MSM has made my new growth softer and easier to manage. The b-complex has helped my skin to clear and my hair seems to be growing in thicker. I have little sprouts of hair sticking up all over the place. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
good thread justice and thanx imogin3 coz i never knew all that /images/graemlins/smile.gif and how apart from lookin for results can u tell if the supplement that u r takin is a synthetic one?? does that mean all the supplements that state that they shud be taken after a meal r synthetic?

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
p.s. robin what is the unh and what does it contain, what kinda results have u experienced wit this?
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ngaa said:
taken after a meal r synthetic?
p.s. robin what is the unh and what does it contain, what kinda results have u experienced wit this?

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That's probably GNC's Ultra Nourishair;trx=28198&amp;trxp1=60&amp;srchtree=1&amp;search=ultra+nourishair&amp;Go.x=16&amp;Go.y=8

Dietary Supplement

nutritional support
with biotin, silica and MSM
23 ingredients

Ultra Nourishair™

As a woman, your body's nutritional needs change throughout every phase of your life requiring extra care and nutritional support. Even with the best intentions, some women can and do fall short on getting the proper level of nutrients needed to live a healthier life. That's why health conscious women trust in GNC's uniquely formulated Women's products, like GNC Women's Ultra Nourishair.

When compared to Women's Nourishair, this enhanced formula blends more amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, with more than twice the amount of MSM. MSM is a natural source of sulfur that is an essential component of collagen. In addition to these important ingredients, this formula also combines 1200 mcg of biotin with silica to provide dietary support for healthy hair.* Women's Ultra Nourishair supplies antioxidants that offer protection from harmful free radicals that can promote the cell aging process.*

To ensure a more complete nutritional program, be sure to add GNC's premier multiple vitamin Women's Solotron® to your daily regimen.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Potencies verified by GNP procedure #5015.
Conforms to USP &lt;2091&gt; for weight.
Meets USP &lt;2040&gt; disintegration.

No Sugar, No Starch, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, Sodium Free, No Wheat, No Gluten, No Corn, No Soy, Yeast Free.
Hi Justice4alw/images/graemlins/wave.gif

It took about a month for me to really notice anything significant. However, this Puritan Pride Biotin is off the hook! I kid you not when I say within the first week was when I noticed this [/b]bristling sensation [/b] going on thruout my head. My follicles were chiming /images/graemlins/grin.gif Here is a list of all the supplements I take:

Alpha Lipoic Acid--100mg
Betacarotene-- 10,000IU
pantothenic acid--1,000mg
msm--6g - 12g daily
silica-800mg horsetail, 64mg silica

Yep, Ultra Nourishair from GNC. I didn't realize it was affecting me at all until after drying my hair, I began to notice it felt thicker and stronger. At first I thought it might have been because of some product I was using but then I realized it was the supplement.

As long as I continue to have results, I'll keep taking it. In fact, I just bought a new supply.
OT......Love those horses Amethyst! They are so beautiful /images/graemlins/smile.gif. Glad to see them back home. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
OT - The pictures of the horses are pretty. They remind me of my Grandfather's horses (Donna and Tennessee). They had the shinest coats! I'm surprised my Grandfather's arm didn't fall off from brushing them so much. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Amethyst said:
Hi Justice4alw/images/graemlins/wave.gif

It took about a month for me to really notice anything significant. However, this Puritan Pride Biotin is off the hook! I kid you not when I say within the first week was when I noticed this [/b]bristling sensation [/b] going on thruout my head. My follicles were chiming /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Now, see, this is what I'm talking about! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Within weeks I noticed that my hair was softer, shinier and maintained moisture better. I also noted that I did not have to use as much conditioner... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
OT - The pictures of the horses are pretty. They remind me of my Grandfather's horses (Donna and Tennessee). They had the shinest coats! I'm surprised my Grandfather's arm didn't fall off from brushing them so much.

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/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Allandra I see your grandfather loves horses the way I do. The grooming aside from nuturing is constant /images/graemlins/smile.gif I just know those horses were in tip-top shape /images/graemlins/up.gif

Justice4alw: I'll tell anyone, ya'll can think I'm crazy all you want, but I know, that I know, THAT I KNOW, those little pills are potent /images/graemlins/shocked.gif