Vitamin Regimen


New Member
Hi Everyone...

I am fairly new here. I think this is only my second or third post. But, I have been reading the forums since April. First, let me thank everyone for being so generous with their ideas and support. I am trying to grow my hair long but before I get to long hair, I am trying to get my hair to stop falling out. My hair reacts badly to stress and this summer I've been dealing with losing my job, not getting a job I really thought I would get, helping take care of and then losing my father to cancer, and working on my dissertation that I really need to finish by March. Needless to say I have been experiencing hair loss.

I am posting this to give everyone who is suffering from mega-shedding some hope. I wash and deep condition my hair twice a week. Roller set on magnetic rollers when my hair is wet and roller set on satin covered foam rollers when my hair is dry. Yet my hair was still shedding. So, this week I tried a vitamin regimen. It is a modified version of Bargello's regimen that someone posted earlier:

Multivitamin (with iron because I have a tendency to be anemic)
Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Supplement with vitamin D (one tablet)
GNC Ultra NourishHair (recommended two tablets)
GNC MSM (1500 mg)
Silica (1000 mg)
Evening Primrose (1000 mg)
Flaxseed Oil (1000 mg)
Biotin (7000 mcg this is in addition to the 1200 mcg in the hair vitamin)
Vitamin C (1000 mg)
B-Complex (1 caplet)

I did this faithfully all week. The result was no hair in my comb in the morning and when I roller set my wet hair yesterday I could literally count the few hairs that came out.

Even if my hair doesn't grow, it appears the vitamins are at least stopping the hair loss.

As for growth, I got a relaxer last Thursday 9/6. My mom insists that I have new growth (I don't see it, but I tend not to notice new growth until it is at least a half inch)

My plan is to do the vitamin regimen faithfully for 30 days and report back growth. After that, I have some boundless tresses that I plan to add to my daily regimen. I am not using it now because I want a gauge of the "before" so I will know how well the boundless tresses is working.
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WoW, how do you handle taking all those tablets....I have four and I still have to split them up. B-complex 1 a day, Silica 1 a day, Meg Vit-min 1 a day and Sea Kelp 3 times a day. I have split them so that I take meg Vit-min with Kelp in the morning, B-Complex and Kelp in the afternoon and Silica with the last kelp tablet in the evening. I still have to close my eyes as I hate the tablets as big as they are.:ohwell:
WoW, how do you handle taking all those tablets....I have four and I still have to split them up. B-complex 1 a day, Silica 1 a day, Meg Vit-min 1 a day and Sea Kelp 3 times a day. I have split them so that I take meg Vit-min with Kelp in the morning, B-Complex and Kelp in the afternoon and Silica with the last kelp tablet in the evening. I still have to close my eyes as I hate the tablets as big as they are.:ohwell:


My need to improve my hair and my distaste for those oversized vitamins did battle and the hair won out. I usually eat cereal for breakfast in the morning. After that, I pull out a 20oz. bottle of water and start pill-popping. The upside is that I get an early start on the 80oz. of water I try to drink in a day.
I want start off by saying Welcome!!!!
I am so sorry to hear about the things that you have been dealing with, I am especially sorry to hear about your father passing. I would like to say that I am so happy that you have found something that is helping with your hair loss. My hair doesn't like stress either and I currently only take a multi-vitamin now but I wanna start taking others.

Welcome to the family (((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) Looking forward to your updates and girl BT is the bomb you going to get that new growth.
Hi Everyone...

I am fairly new here. I think this is only my second or third post. But, I have been reading the forums since April. First, let me thank everyone for being so generous with their ideas and support. I am trying to grow my hair long but before I get to long hair, I am trying to get my hair to stop falling out. My hair reacts badly to stress and this summer I've been dealing with losing my job, not getting a job I really thought I would get, helping take care of and then losing my father to cancer, and working on my dissertation that I really need to finish by March. Needless to say I have been experiencing hair loss.

I am posting this to give everyone who is suffering from mega-shedding some hope. I wash and deep condition my hair twice a week. Roller set on magnetic rollers when my hair is wet and roller set on satin covered foam rollers when my hair is dry. Yet my hair was still shedding. So, this week I tried a vitamin regimen. It is a modified version of Bargello's regimen that someone posted earlier:

Multivitamin (with iron because I have a tendency to be anemic)
Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Supplement with vitamin D (one tablet)
GNC Ultra NourishHair (recommended two tablets)
GNC MSM (1500 mg)
Silica (1000 mg)
Evening Primrose (1000 mg)
Flaxseed Oil (1000 mg)
Biotin (7000 mcg this is in addition to the 1200 mcg in the hair vitamin)
Vitamin C (1000 mg)
B-Complex (1 caplet)

I did this faithfully all week. The result was no hair in my comb in the morning and when I roller set my wet hair yesterday I could literally count the few hairs that came out.

Even if my hair doesn't grow, it appears the vitamins are at least stopping the hair loss.

As for growth, I got a relaxer last Thursday 9/6. My mom insists that I have new growth (I don't see it, but I tend not to notice new growth until it is at least a half inch)

My plan is to do the vitamin regimen faithfully for 30 days and report back growth. After that, I have some boundless tresses that I plan to add to my daily regimen. I am not using it now because I want a gauge of the "before" so I will know how well the boundless tresses is working.

Hello lady!!! Don't worry, your vitamin regimen mirrors mine almost exactly and I'm fine and dandy!!!!:yep: I take around 9-10 a day for hair and health!!!

Tomorrow is the last day of my four week vitamin trial. I gained anywhere from 1/2 inch to a full inch depending on which part of my head you're looking at. Most importantly, the part of my scalp where my hair broke off appears to have gained the most. So, the vitamins definitely worked their magic (plus I am taking much better care of my hair too). :yay::dance7:

On Sunday, I will add the boundless tresses to my hair regimen. I will relax at the end of another four weeks (eight weeks total). Now, if I can just continue to ignore my mother who thinks I should relax my nappy head now. :lala:

Oh... to everyone who responded to my thread about the itchy scalp... I bought some Head and Shoulders for Dry and Itchy scalp. I washed with that twice (I let it sit on my head for ten minutes the second time) then I followed my normal routine.
Welcome to the boards!

When I read your first post, I was like, wow, I'm dealing with a lot of the same things! I hope everything is going a little better for you and I'll keep you in my prayers :)

Congrats on sticking to your vitamin regimen. I've been doing something very similar for a week (I absolutely hate those pills) but I think it will pay off.
Unexpected benefit from vitamins. My hairline is improving. Not just the front, but the hairline at my nape is improving. My hair hasn't grown this far down my neck in YEARS!

Also, I tried the BT. It's waaay too oily for my hair. I think the problem is that my hair is too short so even a little BT soaks into my entire head. I think I am going to wait until my hair grows out some and thickens up some before I try BT again.
Hey I am glad your hair is doing well. And as for the stress you were dealing with that is just the way of the world and it cant be avoided as I have been going through similar issues with my young sis being diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of the year. Atleast when stress slows down you know there is always something that will get your hair in normal mode again. Keep up the good work:yep:! (hair loss is usually the first sign of mad stress for me too)