Vitamin Regimen Result Poll


New Member
Hi All,

I have a few questions for those of you doing the vitamin thing.
Ok, I will be taking a multi vit (with all the Bs), silica, biotin, B5, primrose oil and flaxseed oil.

1. What vitamins are you taking?

2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)?

3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now?
I only get 1/4 to 1/3" a month. I'm aiming for 1/2 to 1" a month.

Thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif
The vitamins I'm taking:

Evening Primrose 1000mg (7/19/02)
Flaxseed Oil 1000mg (8/5/02)
Liquid Flaxseed Oil 1 tablespoon = 14mg as of 11/7/02
MSM 1500mg (8/5/02)
Biotin (5) 1000mcg(7/19/02) As of 11/7/02 [5]
Vitamin Pack 1 multi vitamin (5/02)
1 multi mineral
1 C with rosehips
1 Calcium/magnesium
1 Calcium
Liquid Aminos 750mg of protein (8/8/02)

Recently received my retouch on 10/26/02 - after 10 weeks had 1 inch of outgrowth. Don't know if these actually attributed to the growth as much as the length of time, protective styling and constant moisture.

N/A - didn't pay attention prior to...

Will give in update January.
Here's my regimen, I've been taking HF-37 for a year now and the others like biotin, viviscal, msm I've added in this summer, along with protective styling , moisture, oil, etc. I have seen 1 inch per month. I got 3/4 inch with just the HF-37 the other vitamins boosted the growth. You should give yourself at least 2-3 months to see some change in your new growth and then judge.
From nape of neck (straightened): ??/one-lengthBS/waist/ult goal:tailbone/classic (pics)

Type: Natural 3c very thick spongy ringlets

Day 1: HF 37 1 stp 1, 2-4 stp 2,vivscal,biotin 600mcg, vit C, folic acid, liq geritol complete, liq B12
Day 2: Shou wu, biotin 600mcg, flax seed oil caps, viviscal, vit C, liq geritol, liq B12
Day 3: Vit C,E, calcium, liq geritol, liq B12, algae caps, vivscal
Day 4: Nothing, lots of water like vitamin days then start over, vit A & D once a week only, msm 2-3 times a week.
Wanakee method
Shamp.cond: Biolage Matrix moisturizing shampoo and detangling solution alt w/ Aubrey Organics Blue-Green Algae line.
Aphogee (stinky) protein reconstructor (hair dryer), and balancing moisturizer
Lamaur Bone Marrow Conditioner, Aphogee 2 min reconstructor, cholesterol altogether 20-30mins under heat cap
Infusium 23 leave-in
Oils: Wild growth hair oil diluted with Dabur/Amla oil, Mustard oil, Red Castor oil,Almond oil, coconut oil, primrose (3drops), liquid B-12
Daily I take:
2 GNC Ultra Nourishair, 2 Hairtopia Herbal Plus capsules (or 2 HF 37 Herbal Booster tabs), 2 GNC Women’s Ultra Mega tablets (or 2 Vitamin Shoppe Especially for Women), 5 mg (5000 mcg) of Vitamin Shoppe brand biotin, 1/2 tsp. of Vitamin Shoppe MSM Powder, 1 tsp. of Carlson Amino Blend (powder), 3 Solgar Vegetal Silica capsules, 1 Nature’s Plus EPO 1500 (or 1 Vitamin Shoppe EPO 1300) and 2 tsp. Barleans Essential Woman (for EFA's).
I noticed a difference in about 2 months. My new growth was stronger, softer and had a natural sheen.
I don't know how fast my hair grew before the vitamins. 6-7 weeks was as long as I could go without a touch-up. By week 7, my hair wouldn't lay down anymore and it would get stuck in my combs. Maybe a 1/4" of new growth... I'm not sure.
I don't think my hair is growing any faster because of the vitamins, though. But I'm keeping the hair that does grow. It isn't dried up and it isn't breaking off. Which makes my growth cycle seem longer.
One more thing: I don't relax anymore, but I don't think this makes much difference. New growth is new growth.
I'm currently taking:
Daily - a multivitamin, 5mg biotin, silica, MSM, oceanic protein, shou wu
Occasionally - Flax Seed Oil, Evening Primrose, B5
I agree with Lucia. Results do vary by person. When it takes one person to see results in 2 weeks it might take someone else 3 months to see significant results. I don't know what my growth was like before the supplements because I didn't pay a lot of attention. In the summer I was getting 3/4 of an inch. I'm not sure about now.

1.I currently take:
One*a*day for women
Omega 3*6*9
Evening Primrose Oil
Vitamin Shoppe Hair,Skin and Nail vitamin
Protein chewable tablets

pantothenic acid

getting rid of:
protein tablets
omega 3*6*9

2.After a month I noticed a difference in my hair. I'm still debating whether it actually speeds up the growth process. I'm currently in my 3rd month of taking them and I believe they help make the growth process more consistent. Before I started taking them my hair growth varied from month to month. I believe the biotin, hsn vitamins and MSM are responsible for the consistency. What I love most though is how my new growth is so much more tame and shiny, shiny, shiny.

3.Like you, I also wear braids and my hair is natural so I have never tracked my hair growth and if I did it would be quite difficult. Just the other day I realized I have reached what I call the major turning point. My hair that used to graze my shoulders now rests on my shoulders on the sides and is 2 inches or more below the base of my neck in the back. From this point I figure since it finally touches my body I can use blemishes,moles and discolorations to gauge my progress from month to month.

Sorry so long! dayum I can be long-winded at times!
1. What vitamins are you taking? <font color="blue"> Multi-vitamin w/iron, B-Complex w/Folic Acid and Biotin (5mg). </font color>

2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)? <font color="blue"> I would say about 4 or 5 weeks. I have been taking just a multi-vitamin for overall health for years and I started the B-Complex last year. I just started the Biotin in the middle of September. </font color>

3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now? <font color="blue"> I can't really say how much growth I got before then. I was natural and new growth is hard to determine on natural hair. I cut the relaxer out of my hair, down to one inch and two and a half years later (October 2002) I had gotten a texturizer.

It grew out so well (natural hair) that I said I would never use a relaxer because my hair had gotten so healthy and strong. Well, I started a new job and I work longer hours, so I needed to do something to cut my hair maintainence down. I wanted the versatility of straight hair and curly hair with low maintenance. I didn't want bone-straight hair and I wanted to wear my hair natural with looser curls. My mother put a texturizer in on October 12 and I went over her house this past Tuesday and I asked her if this wavy stuff is really new growth. She dug her fingers in my hair and said "yes, you have a lot for just 4 weeks" (3/4 inch). I told her that I am going to wait the full 12 weeks to get a touch-up and my dear mother made me smile when she said "keep doing whatever it is you're doing because you hair is growing so long. (Thanks for the compliment Mommy /images/graemlins/grin.gif) </font color>
1. What Vitamins are you taking? Biotin 10mg, Ultra Nourishair, Marlyn 4 hair, Selenium, Centrum multi-vitamin, Silica, Flax Seed oil, Evening Primrose Oil, MSM, Vitamin C, and Amino Acids.

2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)? I've been taking the 1st 10 Ingredients for about 2 years, I just started supplementing the other vitamins recently. It took me 3 months to notice a difference. I started getting about an inch a month.

3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now? I was getting half an inch a month. Now I'm getting either just under an inch or a full inch a month. The only reason I know I'm getting this hair growth is because I shaved off most of my hair in the back and cut the top off to about 3" so when it grows, I can tell.
1. What vitamins are you taking? <font color="brown"> Buried Treasure VM100 &amp; Buried Treasure Calcium plus Liquid Vitamins. 5x 1mg Biotin. 1 Silica. 2 Occeanic Silica</font color>

2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)? <font color="brown"> Oh my goodness. I've stopped measuring my hair or paying attention to the amount of growth I get every 1-2 months because of the way I am I'll get very disappointed if I'm not reaching a 1" goal a month. I'm looking at it a different way now and regardless of how slow/fast the growth is I'm learning to be thankful of every mm of new growth I have and am gratefeul that it's growing and still on my head.</font color>

3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now?
<font color="brown"> Ooh I'm not sure. I'd say about 1/2 Inch a month. I think an important hair factor for me os the amount if times a week I wash my hair as well.</font color>
Thank you all for your replies. It has given me something to think about. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

londondiva, have you ever come across GNC ultranourishair , HF37 or viviscal in any store in london at all?


The amount of product research I've done n the past especially with vitamins I can say that I have not come across any of them I know London has GNC stores but whether it carries that particular brand I amnot aware of

As for the HF37 IMO all you need is a good amino acids supplement and a multivitamin. The multi in tablet form which I find works better than the HF37 step is Mega vitamins for the hair from hollan and barrett. I take a liquid multi now called VM100 from and the aminos is from twinlabs in the liquid form. It takes less time to get them down and it goes into your bloodstream a lot quicker than tablets having to pass through your organs and be broken down. I take calcium plus from also.
1. What vitamins are you taking?
<font color="blue">Biotin,flax,evening primrose,hair force,transformation+ msm and iron </font>
2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)? <font color="blue">I'm really not sure. I only started keeping track of my growth after I stared taking them </font>
3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now?
<font color="blue">I'm getting about 1/2 an inch a month. From jan 8th to March 7th I got an 1 inch - 1 1/2inches. I was pretty happy about that. /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>
my vitamin regiment is included in my signature but seeing as i've only beent akin the vitamins for about 4weeks and am in micros i cant really say how much growth i have got and am not sure if the vits have come into effect yet but i was getting about 1/4 of an inch per month and am hopin for 1 inch a month /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I take
GNC Pantothenic Acid, GNC B-50 Complex, Cysteine and GNC's All in One Liquid Multi-Vit-Mineral-Amino-Herbs
If I leave my hair alone I think I would get any where from 1 to 2 inches. I gained 1/2 inch this week.
I noticed a difference in my growth within 6 weeks but if I don't take care of my hair I sometimes only see 1/4 of an inch per month
1. What vitamins are you taking? Royal Jelly /images/graemlins/lick.gif, Vitamin C, E, B-50, Zinc, Iron, Flaxseed, EPA oils, calcium, biotin, pantothenic acid.

2. How long after you started taking them did you notice an increase in growth (1 month, 2 months...)? 2 months

3. How much growth were you getting before? And how are you getting now? 1/4inch before, now 1/2 inch in a month and the middle and back of my head just started to get 3/4 of an inch.
Thank you all for all your replies. To be honest I decided not to take anything. I take a multi vit (when I remember). I have been getting 1/2" since the year started and that's good compared to my usual 1/4 to 1/3" a month. I figure if it ain't broke..... Ya know! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
my vit intake is included in my sig

I just started taking the vits consistently last week.. my bf came back and i didn't want my face to break out, i COULD've been on them for 3 weeks already

I think i pretty much get a good amount of growth w/o vits, however i notice that the quality of hair that grows while on vits is always stronger.. so if it boosts hairgrowth.. i'd love it! but i'm taking vits primarily for hair health.
girrrl, you know we've chatted about this probably a little too often, us with our snail like hair growth. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif as you know, until recently, my hair usually only grew 1/4" a month.

here are the vitamins that i take right now:

- Central-Vite Multi Vitamin with Antioxidants (1/day)
- Kal Super Silica Plus, 400mg (1/day)
- Country Life Biotin, 5mg (1/day)
- TriMedica MSM, 1000mg (1/day)
- Vitamin Shoppe Evening Primrose Oil, 1300mg (1/day)
- Nature's Bounty Combo Vitamin C &amp; E (1/day)
- Vitamin Shoppe Pantothenic Acid/B5 (3/day)

i think it's actually growing at about 1/2" per month now, not just because of the vitamins but because of my improved diet. i've been taking most of these vitamins for about two years. however, because my diet was so poor, they were really only sustaining me vs. improving my growth rate.

the moral of this story is: if you do take vitamins, make sure your diet is on point as well for maximum benefit. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

my vitamin regimen has gone through many changes over the past 5 months. i started focusing on my overall general health instead of just my hair and to my surprise, my hair is growing pretty well right now.i've always gotten about 1/2 inch per month but just over these past two weeks, i'm seeing more new growth then usual. plus, my new growth is way softer then it use to be.

my regimen:
Kal's liquid calcium and magnesium (has phosphorus and vitamin D included)

Dry form vitamin e/selenium combo from Twinlabs(i know for a fact that my fingernails LOVE this stuff)

Alpha lipoic acid (gives my skin a glow)

Buried Treasures liquid vitamin C complex (helps my hayfever)This tastes yummy too.

Liquid Amino acids - only take this two or three times a week

Prenatal vitamin- just started taking this because or the extra iron and zinc it contains

Multivitamin from NOW (high potency vitamin with 75mg of the B vitamins) I forget to take this one alot /images/graemlins/frown.gif