Vitamin E capsules vs. Vitamin E Oil


New Member
I have thin edges and I heard you can break open a vitamin e capsule and apply it. Do you get the same results with vitamin E oil? It seems easier.
i am wondering how many IUs are good. I asked this question before but no one answered. i have a vit e oil that is 28,000 IUs and it is pure vitamin e oil. is this good? God bless you all.
I have no idea, Azul, but I would like to know too since I have the same problem with thinning temples. I had been using Castor oil but I have not noticed results. Someone suggested added Vit E and peppermint oil for stimulation. Good luck and let us know what works!
28,000 IUs or whatever refers to what's in the entire bottle.

When you use a cap, it has set potency, say 400-1,000 IUs. Making a temple cream w/ a few Vit E caps and perhaps some rosemary might help you alot. You should probably see results w/ whatever IUs you already have, but if you are buying, try 1,000.