Vitale Relaxer


Active Member
Has anyone ever used this? What were your results?
I just realized that the lid on my affirm relaxer was not properly closed
(not by my doing either, but that's another story) Before i repurcahse the affirm, I wanted to get some opinions on Vitale since its more readily available.

All help is appreciated
Beana, I used Vitale regular lye a while ago and it burned my scalp something terrible. I had to rinse it after 10 minutes, so a section of my hair was underprocessed.
My scalp is sensitive so I can't use this relaxer and I still have half the container left collecting dust in my cabinet. The hair that was relaxed came out fine, but I've had better results with my usual brands.
The only Vitale Relaxer that worked for me was the Sensitive Scalp one. When the BSS in my area didn't keep it in stock, I switched to Motions Oil Mild.
I used to get that when I was at home... I always had burns around my face
. Its a pretty strong product. My hair did get straight though.
I had the vitale sensitive scalp relaxer for over 10 years. It was the only relaxer that could stay on my hair long enough to actually get relaxed without burning me though I did get burned if I scratched or whatever else you're not supposed to do. I would highly recommend this relaxer though but I am not sure if I was getting lye or no lye. Anyhow, I loved the results of this relaxer.
thanks everyone for the replies.

Cleo2377 and hairlove: what relaxers do you prefer over the vitale???
beana...I don't prefer anything over Vitale Sensitive Scalp. When I tried something new, that's when my hair broke and I decided to transition.
Beana, I've been using Vitale for a few month's now and I don't have any complaints. It dont burn my hair at all. I use the regular, and I like it. My hair is not bone straight, but it's straight enough.
I'm due for a relaxer any day now, and that's what I'll be using
My current hair stylist used Vitale Relaxer (sensitive scalp - think it was no lye - not sure) when I first started going to her in September 2000. I never had any problems with it. I thought it was great.
Sorry for the late Response Beana, but I prefer Designers Touch or Parnevu. My scalp never burns with these two relaxers. Maybe I would have had better results with the Vitale sensitive scalp that others mentioned.

I used this for my last touch-up 3/3/04. I had to relax after only 6 weeks, my norm is 8- 10. I did have a good level of comfort.. i decided to make the swicth from revlon relaxer because of the high ph levels. I called AFAM (who manufactures vitale) and they told me all their relaxers have a ph of 11-12.5, so i'm guessing the vitale mo-body sensitive scalp relaxer (which comes in one strength.. regualar) is around a 12 or 11.5

I must say this relaxer is very strong and if they make a mild forumlation i would like to use that one. I guess we'll se how my hair holds up to this relaxer in the long run.
Beana, did you use the regular Vitale or the sensitive scalp version? I'm interested to know if you thought the sensitve scalp was strong? Thanks hon.
i used the sensitive scalp (lye version).. it has one strength and its indicated as being regular. Its one of their Mo-dody formulas... I hope this makes sense to you.

Yes the sensitive scalp relaxer was strong IMO. But the stylist also left it on for 25mins
(so that could be it). Next time i use it i'll only leave in on for 15-20mins. HTH
I remember liking the relaxer. But it is hard to say whether it was good or not since my hair was so damaged before using it. I do remembermy hair got straight, my scalp didn't burn much and it didn't eat up my fingers like designer's touch did.
I have used the vitale sensitive scalp relaxer with no problems I experience burning with the others.
My stylist used Vitale Tender Headed Relaxer on my hair. It contains shea butter and aloe. I only experienced minor burning once. Otherwise, it was okay. Affirm makes my hair shinier.
CBG: my new growth was sooo tough this time around. I think i would've suferred more by waiting so i just gave it a go. I prepped my hair with deep protein as a prenventative method. I really beleive in relaxing as needed, although i'm definetely not trying to make this a habit!!