Visible pores on hairline


New Member
My hair is thinning on the edges all over my head, and i've just noticed that where it is thinning the most at the top of my forehead along hairline there are big pores, some with hair but most of them without. My hair seems to be thinning at a "v" shape there. I have been wearing mostly cornrows for about 2 years and I recently did a big chop (I was relaxed also). Does anybody know what is going on with my hair? Is there some sort of baldness pattern setting in? I've been using Nioxin follicle booster for about a week and haven't seen any results yet. How long does it take to kick in? This is very depressing
it was probably the corn rows, from the pulling at the deges, i wore braids for years and i stopped maybe a year ago and ny edges are still givibg me problems from braiding, i am still trying to nurse them but it is still a weak area for me
The same thing happened to me, except for the thinning was due to stress. I've never tried Nioxin, but I noticed that the hair is growing back since I started MSM. I also massage the area with my hands or either a baby toothbrush.
Thanks for the replies. Ipanema, how long did it take for the MSM to work for you with the new growth? I'm thinking about trying it.
Maybe you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist, they should be able to prescribe something to help your hair grow back in this area.
I was thinking about seeing one, but I want to use that as a last resort. I'm hoping msm and nx3 will be enough.
mlgreen said:
Thanks for the replies. Ipanema, how long did it take for the MSM to work for you with the new growth? I'm thinking about trying it.

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It took a couple of months or more before I started to see the hairs growing back in.
I am transitioning from relaxed to natural and experiencing the same problem also. Noticable pores and loss of hair line due to microbraids, 2 strand twists. I am currently in cornrows and asked the braider to leave the hair line out. I used Organic Root Stimulator for thinning edges for about 1 1/2 months. My hair line is still sparse but I am noticing growth.
mlgreen said:
I was thinking about seeing one, but I want to use that as a last resort. I'm hoping msm and nx3 will be enough.

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I'm sorry you're experiencing this, ML Green.
I agree with A Christian's suggestion to see the dermatologist. The reason is you don't know what's causing this condition and it might be one where treatment is more effective the sooner it's applied. You don't want to find out you have something that could have been reversed but for waiting too late. Go on to the doctor, girl. You deserve the peace of mind.
Good luck!
In my HUMBLE OPINION, nourishing your insides is important, and doing that, might help in re-growing some lost hair. My suggestions would be to:

--increase your protein and amino acid intake. Exercise helps also. (this is super important)

--MSM (at least 3,000mg a day)
--take a multi-vitamin.
--some b-vitamins worth noting---biotin, B-5, inositol and choline.

--take essential fatty acids. At least 14g of fish or flaxseed oil/omega 3 a day (or 1 T of flax each morning). Also take Evening Primrose/omega 6---at least 1,000mg, more is helpful. If you get flaxseed oil, there should be omega 6 oil in it also. I've read that 1 T of flaxseed oil (omega 3) oil taken in the morning can be helpful for almost anything. (these are super important)

If you have a few dollars to spare, I would recommend vitamin C (at least 500 mg) and E (at least 400IU).

As for haircare, less is better. Try to leave your hair in one protective style without messing with it for days or a week. Evaluate your hairstyles. Could your hairstyle be putting stress on your tender areas? If so, try a different hairstyle for a while. Castor oil is also supposed to help combat hair loss. Essential oils also. But most importantly, I think it's important to tackle your insides that includes minimizing stress.

Good luck!