Virgin Hair Fertilizer


New Member
Has anyone one here ever heard of Virgin Hair Fertilizer and does anyone know where I can buy it online.
Thank you very much candibaby, I currently have a tube, well actually what is left of a tube and I am looking for more. The girl said it is imported, but she did not say from whom and how much. I guess she wants to sell it on her site. Oh well, eventually I will find it.
thanks a lot.
I have heard of this..It comes in a yellow and white tube. They sell it in Nigeria and a lot of my girls swear by it. I got a tube once and it smelt like gasoline. They sell it in London now but if you are in the states not sure where you can get it. Have you tried an African shop ( not sure if you guys have them there). But be warned.. stay away from FIRE!!!
It's on the Oasis Refusals list at

Section: 505(a), 801(a)(3); UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG
Charge: The article appears to be a new drug without an
approved new drug application.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have a tube. I purchased it from this store right around the corner from my house. It really did stimulate my scalp, its similar to sulfur-8
I did not realise it was so bad. It makes my scalp feel really good, and I have a problem with dandruff and dry scalp, since I have been using it, I don't have dandruff.
I dont see whats so bad about. The ingredients look fine to me. Maybe it hasn't been aproved for the states yet. Uh-oh that means I have been using an illegal product, cool