Vigorol Relaxer


Well-Known Member
My last time to the hairdresser (2 months ago), my stylist recommended that I grow my hair out and apply the vigorol relaxer. She says this is something that they used in the “old days” before perms came out. I am alittle lost here, is this one of those “natural relaxers”? Have any of you ladies tried this?
There is nothing natural about it! It's a nasty rotten-egg smelling thio (curl ingredients) type product. It will make your hair really dry and doesn't help with the frizz factor that much. Don't do it!
Run for your life! Child, I put this junk in my head when I was going natural and it took me a month to get that rotten egg smell out of my head!
It made my hair dry and hard to manage!
I used it when I was a teenager and it worked fine but not so the last time
It's a liquid no lye relaxer... but is has ammonium thioglocolate... or whatever that stuff is. It's also got als which is very weird.

Anyways, my mom uses it. She always has. She has 4b hair, and it's in good condition.

It's one of those old school things. There are better relaxers out there imo. Mom is just set in her ways and won't try anything else.

Most people have bad experiences with this. My mom must be one of the lucky ones.

btw... It REALLY stinks

The smell does go away after a few days though.
<font color="purple">My youngest brother used it on his head last year. PU!!!!!!
His hair is the hardest to manage, and it's not worth it. I wouldn't even dream of using this. Your best bet is to leave well enough alone. </font>