Vid Length Check: 18 months natural


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! If you want to know what 18 months of natural hair growth looks like check out my length check vid:

Last relaxer: October 1, 2010
Big Chop: July 24, 2011
Method: Extreme Protective Styling

This was actually filmed April 27, 2012 and is my second length check. I just did my third one and I'm going to edit it today. I got kinda behind with our move from AL to CA, and starting grad school.

Anywho, let me know what you think! :D
Subscribed! Trying to support as many new natural hair youtubers as possible. Great progress ^^
Lovely hair! It did grow a lot in that time frame; very thick and healthy. Can you share how you take care of your ends? They look perfect!
NappyNelle said:
Lovely hair! It did grow a lot in that time frame; very thick and healthy. Can you share how you take care of your ends? They look perfect!

Thanks! Wait till u see my big chop to now, side by side. It blew me away! lol Gonna post next week. To take care of my ends I've been in protective styles about 90% of the time. I use half wigs. I keep my hair well moisturized. I usually moisturize my hair with a jerry juice, SM, and then EVCO. Then I cornrow. I use a Denman to detangle. I cowash weekly and shampoo about once a month.
I really love your hair and love your blog. I will be trying some of these recipes as soon as I get settled in Atlanta next week. I eat bad or don't eat food just hershey with almonds nuggets and they have to come out of the freezer and plenty of water. That is it for me, I will forget to feed myself food. But I will be back to cooking once I am finish with the move because I have to feed my hubby. My doctors have been trying to figure out why my body is craving the nuggets so much I think it has been a year now that I have been on this crave. I drink over a gallon of water every night. and now up to one bag of nuggets a day.
Shadiyah said:
I really love your hair and love your blog. I will be trying some of these recipes as soon as I get settled in Atlanta next week. I eat bad or don't eat food just hershey with almonds nuggets and they have to come out of the freezer and plenty of water. That is it for me, I will forget to feed myself food. But I will be back to cooking once I am finish with the move because I have to feed my hubby. My doctors have been trying to figure out why my body is craving the nuggets so much I think it has been a year now that I have been on this crave. I drink over a gallon of water every night. and now up to one bag of nuggets a day.

Thanks so much Shadiyah. I really hope that the food blog is a blessing to you. I will be updating it soon. I have noticed that I crave junk when I don't have enough nutrients from whole foods. I learned this from Dr. Fuhrman: "Low nutrient eating, therefore, establishes a mechanism that leads to food addictions and food cravings that can't be ignored." Check out his site for more info:
OHHHMAGOOSSHHH! you are myroyaltresses on instagram!! I follow(i.e. stalk) you on there. You have absolutely gorgeous hair :drool:
bajandoc86 said:
OHHHMAGOOSSHHH! you are myroyaltresses on instagram!! I follow(i.e. stalk) you on there. You have absolutely gorgeous hair :drool:

Hey girl! *waves* I follow you too! Love your hair. I'm jealous of that island life too. lol
Thanks so much Shadiyah. I really hope that the food blog is a blessing to you. I will be updating it soon. I have noticed that I crave junk when I don't have enough nutrients from whole foods. I learned this from Dr. Fuhrman: "Low nutrient eating, therefore, establishes a mechanism that leads to food addictions and food cravings that can't be ignored." Check out his site for more info:

MsAminta thanks so much I will read it and try my best to get it all together.
carameldimples said:
Great growth for 18 months. It took me about 22 months to get there, lol.

Thanks. It took me longer last time I went natural as well. Protective styling really gives me that boost.