Versions of the bible?????


What version of the bible do U find easier to understand? Growing up, I always had the King James Version but when I went into "Blessings" (Christian Store) I saw so many different versions! The new King James version, everyday living version(?), etc. The cool thing was how there was a flap that translated a verse in Romans and what a difference between the King James Version to the New Living (?) version. I honestly wish I had some of the newer versions when I was growing up so I could truly understand what I was reading. Imagine being 5 with the Original KJV:lol:

What version do you have and why?????
I have used the NKJV, KJV, Revised Standard, American Standard, NIV and the Amified Bible. The one I am loving right now and as my dh was researching has found to be the most accurate is the Revised Standard.
Now that many of us have access to information online, I can access several translations at Beyond the KJV, I like the NIV, NLT, Amplified, and The Message. What's more important to me is investing in an excellent STUDY Bible, with language/pronunciation guides, historical references, Old Test. and New Test. connections, etc. I'm still looking for such a resource.
I use the Stone Edition Tanach. I need to see the actual Hebrew for myself and have commentary based on writings by the ancient Torah scholars and rabbis who were well aware of Jewish/Torah law and custom. I do not read the Christian Gospels. However, when I have used Christian Bibles to read or study Torah, some of the translation mistakes make me uneasy.

Recently, I thought about reading the Christian texts, but I have no idea what version to trust. My Christian friends have varying opinions. So, I'm putting it off until I can do some research.
King James is more difficult to understand because of the old words we don't use today. But it is very dramatic and tends to be quite accurate when compared with the original Hebrew and Greek. Different Bibles tend to be more accurate in some areas and in other areas they are faulty.

Try getting a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance that has every word in the Bible and the original Greek and Hebrew, and the meaning of each word in English.

Keep searching for the TRUTH :)
I love the Sword Bible It's the King James minus the "thee's and thou's" but still word for word the same; So it's easy to read and accurate. They also have a section on the site that compares the different versions.

Pick up a King James and any other version and go to Romans 8:1 and you'll notice a very important part of that verse missing...

The exceptions are New King James Version, Amplified Bible, Young's Literal Translation, and Wycliffe New Tstament (not quite, but it's close) Check it out :)
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I'll have to check out Bible Gateway...

I read the NIV mostly-- sometimes NJKV, but like to compare various translations on They also have concordances (Strongs and others) and audio pronunciations of the Greek and Hebrew.
I second But for translations I prefer a parallel bible; New King James/Amplified bible.

I would say goto and compare different verses and see which one you like.
I keep two versions of the bible on hand, the new international bible and a Haitian Kreyol Bible.

I Got to tell you guys that I love . It gives me all the etomology and hebrew info on everything I read in the bible. Call it my Online Concourse. Check it out!!

PS: I remember the King James Bible... reading it as a kid was really rough on me.
Cichelle said:
I use the Stone Edition Tanach. I need to see the actual Hebrew for myself and have commentary based on writings by the ancient Torah scholars and rabbis who were well aware of Jewish/Torah law and custom. I do not read the Christian Gospels. However, when I have used Christian Bibles to read or study Torah, some of the translation mistakes make me uneasy.

Recently, I thought about reading the Christian texts, but I have no idea what version to trust. My Christian friends have varying opinions. So, I'm putting it off until I can do some research.

Insha'allah after I finish learning Arabic my next goal is to learn Hebrew...I always wondered how the Hebrew version differ from the English translated version...

As for which bible...I grew up reading the KJV bible (I found any other version hard to comprehend)...Though right now I have a bible sitting next to my Quran (I think it is NIV).