Vent: You know you ends are raggedy...


Well-Known Member
OK I had to go to a formal function and get an up-do. I co-washed, 1/2 air dried/1/2 roller-set my hair, put it up in a clip and went to the salon, now I'll be fair and say I've never done a roller set in my life. So I'm in the chair and she says let me see what were working with, then she says those words "you know your ends are raggedy" is that the intro to let me cut your hair? then she says your hair would lay flatter if you had a relaxer in it. I know my hair's uneven but I just trimmed the splits 2 months ago, but this is riiiii-diculous and un-solicited, I asked for an up-do not lip.
Should I be offended? she never once said wow you've got healthy or long hair, no positives, just the negatives.
Otherwise she flat ironed it some, not too much, and did the up-do, which looked really good.
So I have a recent fotki update pics posted, are my ends really that bad or is this chick just blowing a bunch of hot air? So she can hack my hair.
You know your hair better than anyone. So if your ends look fine then she is just being scissor happy. I would have shut her down from jump and told her to give me my updo and KIM. Q
Ya know, I begin to think that stylist are trained to focus pinpointing whats WRONG with your hair instead of whats RIGHT about it and working accordingly... Yes they are supposed to bring it to your attention , but is that the first thing she should have said outta her mouth??? Tact, people, Tact...
See I knew I wasn't being over sensitive. You know I won't be back in her chair again. What's with stylists and having to control their clients hair, I'm going to keep doing exactly what I was doing before cause it works, besides my hair never layed flat or dried straight when it was relaxed I still had to blowdry or flat iron, so it's basically the same work to get my hair straight now as it was then.
I've noticed alot of stylists do that - they start verbally attacking your hair as soon as you sit down and once they break you down they suggest the "treatment" or a "trim" or "see - you need to start coming to me EVERY week so I can take care of this mess for you!" all at an additional cost of course. :rolleyes:

Once you sit in the chair you're already at a disadvantage, and they use it to pressure sell you into different things, or to reinforce your dependence on them. I'm not saying ALL - but I've seen it plenty of times.
A stylist is suppose to make recommendations, but it is how they say them. You might need your ends trimmed, but she didn't have to say it they way she did. There is a way to say things and that stylist didn't say it right.
A stylist is suppose to make recommendations, but it is how they say them. You might need your ends trimmed, but she didn't have to say it they way she did. There is a way to say things and that stylist didn't say it right.
I think stylist are trained to provide a clean, even look. To them, uneven ends are unhealthy and raggedy. I believe it is a mindset that keeps hair at the same length. As someone indicated, you know what your goals are and you know your hair. So, just continue to do your thing!
Trustmelove,I think its keep it moving,Lucia Your hair is beautiful keep doing whats working for you.
raggedy? that is just RUDE. in all honesty i dont believe stylists half the time when they tell me things like that. If you know how to judge split ends then you should go by what you believe. No stylist, IN MY OPINION will truly say 'wow your hair looks great' even if it was immaculate. Notice she also said your hair would look better with a relaxer, but a relaxer increases the chances of your ends looking not as good because of processing. In my eyes, all she was trying to do was create supply and demand. Trying to create some way for you to need her.
thanks for the compliments and positive words ladies, she must be hatin, cause I self trimm when I need it and I can do a mean S&D on straight or wet curly hair, so I know a split end when I see one, but I know what I want and what my goals are and even ends are not my focus now just getting to my ultimate goal. Don't worry ladies I won't be going back to her, if I need an up-do again I'll go to someone else.

Trustmelove just click on Lucia's regime then go to the bottom links and you'll find a link to my fotki there.

good point, I really don't need her unless it's for an updo, and I can go anywhere for that.

yeah she just wanted me to be at her shop every week, but I paid $85 for that up-do.
Thats how a stylist convinced me the other day that my ends were weak, which was so confusing as everyone was telling me how great my hair looked. lol. I asked her to just clip the ends, she went on to cut 3 inches off. Sounds like good old fashioned jealousy
What's wrong with your hair brings in money because they are, of course, the only ones who can fix it.
What's already right with your hair doesn't bring them anything but nervousness that you might not really need them.

Your hair is fine.