Vaseline Users: What did I do wrong?


New Member
Ok, yesterday I tried vaseline as a sealer and it was soft while I was doing my hair, but today it is dry and crispy. I used a leave-in (Claudie's Satin Moisturizing Lotion) and a light oil (Shikakai hair oil), then I put on the heated vaseline on my entire length. What did I do wrong? It seems that NOTHING moisturizes my hair at all.
If I"m reading this right, I think you went wrong by putting vaseline ALL over your hair. I like Vaseline, but's not really good to put on your hair except for the ends. I don't know what Shakakai is, but since it's an oil it would've been better to put that on your hair when it was wet and used the Vaseline on your ends. I really, really, really think you should consider using Avocado or Aloe butter!
Vaseline is for use on the ends only since that is the oldest hair. I'm not sure what the ayurevic oils do to hair (as far as crispiness).

Did you bun your hair. I think it only works (or works best) on hair that is being bunned.
I'm not a hair expert but when I was a pre-teen my sister would put moisturizer and vasaline on my niece's hair to make it wavy (I didn't let her do mine). Anyways, it rotted her hair out (turned it hard and wirery)after about a month or two. Her hair has never been the same.
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Hmmmm, I don't use vasaline but I use something with a similar consistency/propeties (beeswax and olive oil mix). I don't think the problem lies there, it seems that you were using a pretty light moisturizer ( I could be wrong) but when I wash my hair I leave my condish (Aubrey ORganics Honey Suckle ROse, it's very thick and creamy) in and then apply the sealant and then let it dry. Then I'll moisturize again in a day or two. Maybe you could try a creamier conditioner/moisturizer
i tried to use vaseline again after all the recent threads, and :nono:. i only put it on my ends, but my ends got hard and brittle. not trying that again.
All you have to do is add four to six oils to it, a few drops of your favorite perfume, and stir it. Make sure the oils are not solid. I let my oils and Vasoline sit on my stove while I’m cooking, then they turn into a liquid. It's for the ends only.

Or just add the following oil blends to it such as African Royal Hot 6, or Wonder Gro, or Africa's Best Herbal Oil Complex, or Hairobics Hair/Detangling Oils.
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I tried the vaseline this week and so far so good. I am using it on my braids as a sealant on my wet moisturized braids. I don't plan to use it on loose hair. It has help me to maintain the coolness on my ends.

Are you using it on loose hair?
I don't think it was the Vaseline I think it was Shikakai oil. Shikakai is a natural astringent for the hair and it will clear away any dirt or product build up on the hair and scalp. You was only suppose to use the oil as a pre-poo and I think people with oily scalp/hair would only benefit with Shikakai oil.
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I see your hair is natural. I'm natural as well and wear my hair out most of the time. I decided to use Vaseline a couple of weeks ago in combination with my IC Fantasia gel with sparklelites, and I experienced greasy, silky (if that makes any sense) dryness. I made sure to wash my scalp and hair once a week with a regular shampoo to get the Vaseline out, but after two weeks of itchy scalp, I'm done.

If you would like a heavy oil to seal wet hair, try castor oil. You can cut it with sweet almond oil or coconut oil for a better fragrance. I've decided to go back to castor and other natural oils and leave the Vaseline alone. Best of luck to you!
Ok, I won't use the Shikaiki hair oil. I'm going to try this again today because it is minus below here and I need for my hair to be well moisturized and protected. Thank you all for the recommendations.
I agree w/others. try it w/out using the shikakai. Also just focus on putting it on damp (not wet) ends only. I alternate vaseline and a pomade sometimes on my ends (the pomade has beeswax).
i tried to use vaseline again after all the recent threads, and :nono:. i only put it on my ends, but my ends got hard and brittle. not trying that again.

I tried vaseline a few days ago on my damp ends and bunned. The next day, my ends were hard and breaking. I had to wash it out.
I tried the vaseline once also and it made my ends dry.....but after I joined the vaseline challenge and decided that the straight V wasn't working for me I bought my old favorite coconut oil grease from Sally's and that works great!
Hey 2inspireU, Lose the Shikakai as a leave in oil. This oil is not supposed to stay on the hair. You rinse and DC after using it. Try this and you should see a world of difference.
The first time I tried this it was with a hair grease on wet hair. When dried my hair was soft and moisturized. The next time I tried vaseline on wet hair and it wasn't as nearly soft and moisturized-a little dry/hard feeling-very little. I'm convinced that vaseline doesn't work for everyone. So if it doesn't work for you, try your favorite hair grease:)