V05 conditioners with soy milk protein


New Member
I tried this for my mid-week wash and codition and my hair came out so soft and tangle free. Reading up on some of the threads, I see alot of you have had success with it as well. My question is .....with some of the post that soy protein can possible stunt hair growth I'm a little leary to continue using it. Are any or did any of you have any adverse or negative effects with this line? I love it!
sorry ladies I'm responding from my phone and haven't quite mastered copy and paste, but if you type soymilk protein in the search field, the first thread is about soymilk protein and hair growth.
I only read the abstract but it looks like they are talking about drinking soy milk, not putting it in your hair. The way the protein (whichever one they were talking about) interacts with your body would be different than the way it interacts with your hair topically.
I only read the abstract but it looks like they are talking about drinking soy milk, not putting it in your hair. The way the protein (whichever one they were talking about) interacts with your body would be different than the way it interacts with your hair topically.

some were talking about drinking soy milk, but there were also some speaking of topical lotions that reduced hair growth that featured soy milk protein as the main ingredient.
Soymilk is one of the last ingrediants in moisture milks so I would't worry about it.

I don't think soymilk causes hair loss, but thats just me. 2 years ago I found out I was lactose intolerant and switched to drinking soy, and my hair is thick and growin as ever.