Using the mind to grow straight hair

Also, let me add that I have natural hair and am not interested in the product but merely posted the question for your enjoyment and comments.
Wow! Folks actually posted their results as well. :look: Interesting. I like how Jade's hair is now straight. :lachen: Is there a skin lightening hypnosis, too?

Thanks for posting, OP...this is amusing, indeed.
Wow, people really want straight hair.:lol::lol:

Straight hair is beautiful in its own right, and how you plan on getting that is your business, but mind straightening? :spinning:
If this stuff worked that well I would rather use my mind to grow some money right now.

Yep. :)

This isn't that bluest eye technique where you say your hair is straight and believe it's straight so to you it is straight even though everyone else is seeing nappy hair on your head ....
This isn't that bluest eye technique where you say your hair is straight and believe it's straight so to you it is straight even though everyone else is seeing nappy hair on your head ....

I love this!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I needed some entertainment today!! LOL!!
hypnosis works on your thoughts and perceptions. it works for weight loss b/c instead of seeing a cookie and thinking "oooo, that looks delicious" you think, "hey fatty, eat that cookie and you'll stay looking like a hippo." of course it works better when you use positive affirmations, "you can be beautiful if you just used your incredible will power" etc...

likewise, this probably works to change the perception of the individuals hair. instead of thinking "look at that kinky frizzy mess that doesn't bow to power of a flat iron" she probably thinks glass 1/2 full "look at my hair, it's straight all day today." ...all perception, nothing more.

it can change perception and behavior, not genetics. i guess if someone needs to work on her self esteem, why not. it's still funny though. :lachen::lachen:
Probably a scam, not just to get your money but to keep charging it with a "membership" plan... with no number to reach to cancel the plan.
I have nothing to add. I'm just staring at the comments in disbelief.


After you listened, you must have absolute faith that it has ALREADY worked. Your hair is straight right NOW, not later.

Keep reminding yourself throughout the day. Look at the mirror and see the hair you want, if that doesn’t seem possible at the moment, just know for SURE that it’s already there, you just don’t see it yet. It’s also very important not to long for it, like thinking “nothing is happening yet” or “maybe it’s not working”, that’s very bad and delay the whole thing.

I hope I helped, do this and you’ll be pleasently surprised with the results.

I personally believe in the law of attraction but I can't get behind this. For the first time, I see how crazy the concept sounds to a lot of people.
"• Feel happy and relaxed about your hair
• Control unruly locks
• Achieve the look you desire"

"Don’t mope about your unruly mop!"

JHC. I guess I should happy that it's not a Black person on the box.
This is worse than the eBay page my SO ran across where you bid for a "real live Wiccan" :rolleyes: to say a spell to make your boobs grow. And 20 people bought it.

I need a gimmick like this. Shoot, it just MAY help me use my mind to grow some money!
What in the ... :ohwell: !!!

Just when I think I've heard it all, someone comes along and proves me wrong.
If it worked, all those little girls growing up who wanted long straight hair would have. . .well, long straight hair. And a whole bunch of us would have less breakage, longer hair, and/or discontinued products come back. :laugh:
I hate y'all...but I lurve y'all so much ! LOLOL. See now, the hair experts are right in that stress causes tension in scalps and with Black folks, it causes, in addition, KINK. We are literally follicularly squeezing our pores to nappiness. This is death, o' Black plague...:lachen:

Do you long for sleek, straight hair without any kinks or curls?

Curly hair can be a real headache. It takes hours to straighten every morning and as soon as you step out of the door it’s a real fright again. It can prevent you taking up water sports and even ruin holidays in countries with humid climates.
Our Straighten Curly Hair hypnosis session will help you straighten out this problem. In less than 60 minutes you’ll start to feel the benefits, as your curls unwind and you realize how easy to manage your hair really is.
Simply sit back and listen to this superb hypnosis session, as Straighten Curly Hair kicks out the kinks in your hair and lets you love your sleeker, straighter style.
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