Using a Super Relaxer and Regular at the same time on different parts of the head


Well-Known Member
Ok ya'll this has been my 4 touch up and keep in mind I stretch at least 3 months between and I never do correctives. I have been self relaxing about 10 years. I have never let a pro do a relaxer on me. I used ORS no-lye and my hair came out straight and beautiful on the sides and in the back, everywhere but my crown. Man this hair at the crown is on a whole different level. It has never gotten straight ever since I have used relaxers. I'm thinking next time I will use a super in the crown area and used the regular everywhere else. Anyone ever do this? What do you ladies think I should do? I mean it's like relaxer never touched it.
i dont think it would be a problem. Did u ever try starting at the crown area and applying the relaxer there first so that part gets the most processing time?

I had to do this my last touch up. I would always start from the back of my head and the back would come out fine but the last section I did in the front would be underprocessed. I applied the relaxer in the front first this time and now everything is processed evenly.
i dont think it would be a problem. Did u ever try starting at the crown area and applying the relaxer there first so that part gets the most processing time?

I had to do this my last touch up. I would always start from the back of my head and the back would come out fine but the last section I did in the front would be underprocessed. I applied the relaxer in the front first this time and now everything is processed evenly.

That's what I do, but I think the texture there is just so much more coarse in the crown. I always do the edges and fron last because they straighten really easy.
I think it's worth a try and a good idea, you are just adjusting your products to your hair's needs. Good luck.