"Use It Up Challenge" Frustation - I LIKE THE PRODUCTS!


Well-Known Member
So I am informally (:look: ) doing the "use-it-up" challenge.

1 - Use-up all of my newbie PJism products
2 - Achieve a simple natural and paraben free regimen

HOWEVER.... while I "use-up" some of the products...I find that really LIKE THEM and want to repurchase :( Grrr....

For example: Co-washing with Suave humectant has been great - my hair is lovin' it BUT its bad ingredient central....so alas it must go.

Anyways.....I just wanted to vent...I am fighting the urge to PURCHASE MORE OF THE PRODUCTS. It seems like the USE IT UP challenge is turning into the AWAKEN THE INNER PJ challenge for me :perplexed
Oh, i thought for every product you use up, you could buy something else. Its the beginning of the year and i already feel "all challenged out". I'm a newbie and I just love reading all the threads and getting ideas about what i want to purchase and try next. Well good luck, i took one glance at this challenge and knew right away i wasn't gonna be able to do it.
I am gonna join you in this challenge!!!! :grin: Except i am doing a sort of varied version of it. I am on a "No New Products Challenge" until i use up all my old stuff. That means, i cant buy anything new or exciting that i hear about on the board OR see in the store.......... until i use up what i've got. CUz ive got TONS of stuff at home. However, with my version of this challenge, if i use up one of my staple (regular) products, i can replace it. But ONLY if its a staple that i absolutely NEED on a regular basis.

Good luck girl!!!!!!!!! :D
That is me too, KiniKakes. I wasn't buying any NEW products (conditioners because this is what I buy the most of) to try. I usually buy two or three new/different conditioners a week, but I have been doing really well. I did replace my Tresemme silk protein this week, but I had run out and this is a staple.

I hadn't bought anything new in a month and I only bought one bottle of conditioner in January and one in December (both one liter sizes of the Ginger Therapy from Big Lots), so I feel I am doing pretty good. I am CO washing more often and I use more conditioner when I slather the conditioner on dry hair, so I have used up about a fourth of the SalonCare gallon jug I have that I just dumped a bunch of conditioners in.

It is so funny to go to my laundry room or open my linen closet (both hall and bathroom) and see room on the shelves for other things. The thing is that I want to fill that space back up with conditioners (smile). I do need PJs Anonymous to get to the root of the problem. Anyway, I am doing well, but I cannot wait until I can buy some Phyto Organics Humectin. I never looked twice at Nexxus stuff before, but I am just fascinated with this product.

I woke up in a cold sweat because I dreamed I made that visit to the BSS with my wish list and the bill came out to be $$$BIG$$$. I mean I was on a shopping spree - had a rolling basket and all! I woke up because the register receipt kept going, and going, and going!!!
texasqt said:

I woke up in a cold sweat because I dreamed I made that visit to the BSS with my wish list and the bill came out to be $$$BIG$$$. I mean I was on a shopping spree - had a rolling basket and all! I woke up because the register receipt kept going, and going, and going!!!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
TexasQT thats a hilarious story :lol:

Kinikakes....thats how I am doing it too...NO NEW PRODUCTS ONLY REPLACING STAPLES...I started this in January before the formal challenge hit the board...great minds think alike :)

Wheezy...you are right about the rule...thats why I am informally on the challenge... my point is to USE UP all my NON-STAPLE products so only my STAPLES remain - Its just that I was actually liking the NON-STAPLE products when I used them and thinking about repurchasing them... which defeats the whole purpose since the whole point was to eliminate them from the regimen all together...

I have a better handle on it now...its only one product that I have decided can stick around....

My hair is fussing at me though....using all these random products...I think I may put the rest of them up for sale to get rid of them b/c my hair is not feeling this rotation...

Thanks for responding ladies :grin:
KiniKakes said:
I am gonna join you in this challenge!!!! :grin: Except i am doing a sort of varied version of it. I am on a "No New Products Challenge" until i use up all my old stuff. That means, i cant buy anything new or exciting that i hear about on the board OR see in the store.......... until i use up what i've got. CUz ive got TONS of stuff at home. However, with my version of this challenge, if i use up one of my staple (regular) products, i can replace it. But ONLY if its a staple that i absolutely NEED on a regular basis.

Good luck girl!!!!!!!!! :D

Yup, that is the way challenge work kini. You buy new products of your staples once you use it up. This is how I do it also.
I have so many products from DC meetings and past purchases. I decided to use up some of the products first before replacing.
I don't understand....if the suave is working for your hair who cares about the ingredients...they're obviously not bad for your hair so I'd keep using it...:confused: or am i missing summin :look:

brownsugarflyygirl said:
So I am informally (:look: ) doing the "use-it-up" challenge.

1 - Use-up all of my newbie PJism products
2 - Achieve a simple natural and paraben free regimen

HOWEVER.... while I "use-up" some of the products...I find that really LIKE THEM and want to repurchase :( Grrr....

For example: Co-washing with Suave humectant has been great - my hair is lovin' it BUT its bad ingredient central....so alas it must go.

Anyways.....I just wanted to vent...I am fighting the urge to PURCHASE MORE OF THE PRODUCTS. It seems like the USE IT UP challenge is turning into the AWAKEN THE INNER PJ challenge for me :perplexed

I posted this in another thread but since you are looking for a paraben free replacement for the suave I will post it here. The odd lots/big lots stores in my area have natures gate fruit blends for 2.00 each. If you get the moisturizing one it will probably do what you want. The store I went to had moisturizing, fortifying and volumizing types. I bought a couple of the last two, but havent tried them yet. The company also makes a revitalizing one that I have tried in the past, but the results were so-so, nothing above average. The moisturizing one however is awesome. Normally these are 6-8 dollars in other stores. Also they are cone free, so they are curly girl compatible. If you have a build up of cones in your hair you may need to clarify to get good results, but these are awesome conditioners. I'm looking at 17 bottles of conditioner right now, and if I get a chance to hit another store... :blush:
This sounds like the version I'm doing to. I'm doing my own little use it up challenge. For example, CON is going to be my staple shampoo but I have around 6 other shampoo's to use up before I can get the CON....gosh this is going to be hard:( . Most of my staples I wil continue to buy as I use them up but some of them I have to put on the back burner or I'll never use up the old stuff. Like if I buy CON poo I'm not gonna use the old stuff.
My version is not replacing anything. even things that are sort of my staples. I don't really have staples yet but I do have a routine that is working for me (plus my hair seems to like a lot of things). Once I am done with the good stuff like Nexxus humectress, I will move on to my Doo gro conditioner. Even though it doesn't work too well with my hair, I can pump it up by adding some castor oil and EVOO..by the way I am trying to use up my oils too. I want to use everything and then I can't start over and just my the things I need (and try Dominican and Indian products which I really wanna do:grin: )