Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I think my Entwine DC'er is finally moving along.

I had made a YAM Cart, but couldn't hit PayNah for $26 for 8oz's.

I hope someone comes up with a good "Dupe" for YAM.:look:
Honestly @IDareT'sHair. I believe raw organic honey can do the same thing. I only add a tablespoon or so to the YAM that I have left to my conditioners now anyway, so this stretches it a bit.

When it's done, I will raw honey to accomplish the same thing since so many others have had great success with it :yep:.
Honestly @IDareT'sHair. I believe raw organic honey can do the same thing. I only add a tablespoon or so to the YAM that I have left to my conditioners now anyway, so this stretches it a bit.

When it's done, I will raw honey to accomplish the same thing since so many others have had great success with it :yep:.

Wait I just realized that the YAM price went up :shocked: as if it wasn't already too expensive to begin with...Yikes!
Entwine created a Ship Label on 04/24 and it still hasn't shipped. :perplexed:

Now I remember from my one & only time I ordered from them, WHY I didn't like them. :angry2:

That one and only order as soon as it arrived it went on the Ex.change

They are on my never-again list.

ETA: My CO Shipped!:up:
I need to be saving my "Coins" to see what these M-Day Sales are gone be lookin' like.:look:
I'll keep my eye open but still not ready to pull the trigger with any actual hair care purchases anytime soon. However, I am loving me some Dominican Hair Products lately soooo....ya never know!

I will have to make sure that I have my savings account set for the week first of course. If it' snot, then I don't care what kinda sales they are having out there, I will certainly pass on it until my savings look right to me.