Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Hey Ladies!

Happy Weekend. My NC might come today. I know it shipped = x1 Liter Elucence, x1 16oz Hair Dew and x1 16oz Honey Hemp. And I should be getting some of my Powders this weekend too.

I had to get a new Battery for my Tablet last night, so I should get the new one from A.m.azon, so I will probably be off the grid until sometime tomorrow evening.

Well...Lemme mosey on over to NC and see what's up on this Flash Sale.
I did mix my Karishma henna treatment this morning before I left for work. I hope I'm home in time to apply it before I head to bed tonight - I'm going to be out a little later than expected.

I did mix it with some hibiscus, amla, brahmi, and bhringraj powders, about 3 ounces of avj, some water and 2 tablespoons of SSI Peach Conditioner. Its been sitting in my hot cabbie all day. The dye should be released by the time I get home.