Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I was supposed to wash my braids but I forgot :lachen:. Dayum workout had me delirious, I jumped in the shower and jumped right out without cleansing them.
I'm going to wash them tomorrow, then spritz with a leave in conditioner. Oh no, I think I'm out of APB leave ins :eek:.
My refresher sprays will have to do. I just like the suppleness of using the leave in verses the light texture of the refreshers.
It is! I had to actively work not to do one this past wash day.

I want to see if I can find that ES JBCO for the WnG I plan to do for the 4th thanks to your RT post...
I'm going to try the coconut one next. The JBCO has a decent hold. If you want hard and crunch, this is not for you.

When I did twist with the JBCO, I had definition without hold (really soft) but for the WNG I have definition and decent hold.
Hey ladies!

@rileypak @Saludable84 I tried a WNG twice and I really didn't like the shape of my hair or the the shrinkage I got once it was fully dry. I said I would try again but idk. I think WNG's look nicer on other naturals.

I know the front of my head will look so strange once it dries. For now I just do the back half of my head. I put the front in a top knot.
Mine shrank way more than I anticipated but I ended up liking it. It didn't rub on my clothing at all :meme:
It went from just below SL to CL once fully dried.

I know the front of my head will look so strange once it dries. For now I just do the back half of my head. I put the front in a top knot.
Mine shrank way more than I anticipated but I ended up liking it. It didn't rub on my clothing at all :meme:
It went from just below SL to CL once fully dried.

Mine shrinks to my ears mostly. I was even asked if I cut my hair when I wore it out.