Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I know you deal with the same issue.:2inlove:

I was hoping you would get on (for some support) because I know you & others know what I'm going through/been going through all dang-blasted weekend.:angry2:

It all started with me talkin' to some 'natcha' at work and of course she was saying she NEVER, EVER, EVER gets Knots, Mats, Dreds, Tangles etc...which was my 1st mistake talkin' to someone IRL (which I rarely/never) do cause they be lyin'.:rolleyes:

I'm thinkin' to myself we got the Hurr of the Gawds up in LHCF and these beautiful heads of Hurr still suffer with issues, so how can she not have any of this going on??:look:

So, that durn conversation added to my level of frustration. I did buy some cowboy magic it hasn't came yet.

I completely forgot to pull out ST'icals KG to see if that would help until @Saludable mentioned it to me yesterday.:hug2:

Yeah, I had a huge pattie in the back that wasn't budging, I had one that finally loosened up and slid out etc......:eek:

My scalp is tender from all that pushin' & pullin':lachen:

For a quick minute, I thought about returning to the Relaxer. I'm much better about it today.:angeldevil: It did cross my mind even though it was quick.

ETA: I'm tangle prone too.
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@IDareT'sHair I was about to ask you if you pulled out Soultanicals KG out. I haven't used it in a while since I've found using other stuff in my stash just as effective. I've never tried Cowboy Magic but if it's a detangling dream I may just have to grab it :look:.

Yeah I've had those type of conversations with some other naturals IRL and my side eye meter be on 100 :rolleyes:. I've had one tell me that she doesn't deal with any of this stuff and if she had to go through what I went through, she would just relax it.
Hello ladies, I don't get much internet time these days but thought I'd pop in to say, we got good news last week about dh's health - his overall health is improving and his body is healing. He was moved to oral chemo and our trips to Houston will now be once a month vs. every two weeks. Thank you for the prayers and please keep praying as we still have more healing to do. He has three outpatient procedures this week to address some problem areas so as you can see, the fight very much continues. Blessings to all!
Hello ladies, I don't get much internet time these days but thought I'd pop in to say, we got good news last week about dh's health - his overall health is improving and his body is healing. He was moved to oral chemo and our trips to Houston will now be once a month vs. every two weeks. Thank you for the prayers and please keep praying as we still have more healing to do. He has three outpatient procedures this week to address some problem areas so as you can see, the fight very much continues. Blessings to all!

Still praying for you and your DH sis!
Do you ever deal with mattin', loc'ing etc....I know my hair being damp at the roots caused it.
I do. My hair is very prone to webbing and if I don't properly detangle I'll get dreads. If I wanted to loc my hair it would be very easy. This is why I keep my hair stretched all the time. DH loves to see my hair in a wash n go but it's a detangling nightmare on wash day so I no longer do them.
Hello ladies, I don't get much internet time these days but thought I'd pop in to say, we got good news last week about dh's health - his overall health is improving and his body is healing. He was moved to oral chemo and our trips to Houston will now be once a month vs. every two weeks. Thank you for the prayers and please keep praying as we still have more healing to do. He has three outpatient procedures this week to address some problem areas so as you can see, the fight very much continues. Blessings to all!
beautiful news :yep:

I really was going to get some stuff but changed my mind at the last second. I have a vision board to complete with my goals for this year and I need to work on that ASAP before I spend up all my money on hair and skin care products. I had to really hold myself back today from spending too. I have some weight-loss goals to focus on as well and that requires spending quite a bit of money, so I have to really keep my focus this time around.

I love buying hair stuff, but if I don't get a grip on my weight, I won't be recognizable in a couple of months :lol:

where will you place it when you finish it?
Just Used up:
1 bottle of Rusk Deep Shine Oil (2 back ups)

Added to my giveaway box:
1 bottl eof BB Castor Oil Moisturizer
1 bottle Soultanicals KG

Also gave away:
1 bottle of Nexxus Emergency Shampoo
1/2 bottle of Nexxus Emergency Conditioner
The best detanglers around:
Honey Handmade's Knot Going Bananas, Taliah Wajiid Protective Mist Bodifier, Kinky Curly Knot Today, and Qhemet's Biologics Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee

That got expensive with the conditioners though. Taliah Wajiid changed some ingredients so that's why I stopped using it.

What I'm doing now that has changed my life:
  • In a spray bottle-aloe vera juice, aloe vera gelly, distilled water, and any oil
  • 3 comb method- first finger detangle, then follow with a wide tooth comb, then a medium tooth comb, and finally end with a fine tooth comb
Every now in then I get a "dread' but never at the roots it is always at the end which makes it very easy to get out