Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

It's official I'm going back to relaxing my hair. I feel like my hair thrived way better being relaxed instead of straight haired natural. My hair is consistently taking a beating by using heat twice a month. To me that is more damaging than relaxing. I never used heat when I was relaxed.

I will order my favorite relaxer (Affirm Fiberguard Mild) since it still leaves your hair "textured". I miss washing my hair often. My hair should be BSL or longer by now but it's not. It's only APL. Plus the spring/summer time is approaching and it's extremely humid for a straight haired natural. I'm tired of every time I go somewhere my hair be pretty but when I leave the house it turns into a big puffy mess.

I tried the natural way for about 2.5 years. It's not for me or my lifestyle and I'm okay with it.
I know it's going to be so :yep:beautiful.

And you'll know how/when to stretch, protein/moisture etc....just overall healthy relaxed Car.e.

I know you'll get to amazing lengths this time around as a Relaxed Head!:supergrin:

Can't wait for an update.

Thank you hunni. I think a huge part is me not being able to moisturize and seal properly since my hair is straight all the time. The moment I "moisturize" it, it reverts.
I told my mama she didn't need no gel but I helped her pick out some eco styler gel anyway and now she don't use it :giggle:. If it turns out she never uses it I'll have her give it to me and I will give it to one of my clients here at work.

APB's butter is fluffy and smells great but it does not spread easily on my wet skin so that's a no go for me. I'll use it up but that's it.

I'm contemplating using black soap as my weekly cleanser. I'm thinking of making it from a bar of black soap and maybe adding an oil and vitamin E. Got the idea from Naptural85 but she adds way too many oils and I ain't doing all of that. We'll see. I still have one Sarenzo Hair Cleanser and one APB Whipped Cleansing Cream so I have time.