Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Used up:
-SD RCA, No back-ups. Will repurchase, during a sale or free shipping promo

-Bag of Beautifully Bamboo Tea, 1 back-up

Waiting on:
-PR x2

I'm annoyed with Tar-Jay/UPS, regarding a non-hair related package. Checked the Aftership app. It states, the package was damaged, during transit. UPS discarded the damaged contents, and returned the rest to Tar-Jay. Le Sigh!
Now I know we have the the top of the line PJ's in here.... but I want to remind you that you have to have 3-4/minimum 2-3 products in each category that are essentially/nearly the same. That means when these vendors cut the fool with all of the reformulations, bad customer service, going out of business without much notice you are good :yep:.

APB is on the move. Should be here tomorrow.
Hey Ladies :grouphug2:

I need to go back and catch up, but used up a few things:
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Conditioner- have 1 back up
Shescentit Sugar Peach Conditioner- 3 back ups
APB Hair Lotion- 3 back ups
Almost done -APB Leave In Conditioner- 70-11 back ups

Got my Bubble Bistro order- and just received tracking on Sarenzo.
(no other hair related purchases- but I ordered some wax melts from another vendor)