Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

J Monique's Irish Moss & Cocoa with a plastic cap for 30 minutes followed by oil layered on top with a plastic cap for an additional 30 minutes is a huge hit for my hair. My leave in was Oyin's Juices & Berries followed by DB's Coconut & Lemongrass Transitioning Cream as my moisturizer. Nice springy & bouncy curls :yep:.
I contacted him yesterday and have not received a response.

I know @Golden75 and probably others are still waiting on their orders and I didn't want our replacements to get lost in the shuffle.

I will email him again and if I don't hear something from him by Friday, I am filing a PP Dispute and be done with it. (Lawd.....I hope I didn't put that on a card and not via PP)