Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Under your name it say "Get Your Haul On"

It's not turrible. It's exactly the way you want it

Put it this way, I am glad we are taking these mini-breaks. I need to get control over it.

I don't mind having a Large Stash, but I always know when it gets to the point I start feeling really uncomfortable.

And it's there now.:look:
I'm tempted too but she seems over the top. HQ having break downs but I think she can come back from that. HH just seems like she needs a few scrubs of down there soap. And it might fix the problem minimally.

Lolololollll @Saludable84 I can't reward bad behavior though. If she comes to Target, I'll go that route. I can take it back lol.
Put it this way, I am glad we are taking these mini-breaks. I need to get control over it.

I don't mind having a Large Stash, but I always know when it gets to the point I start feeling really uncomfortable.

And it's there now.:look:

This will be me after LD. I'm hoping to get through 4-6 DCs between then and BF. And none of them include DB or NG :look:
@IDareT'sHair you have to play with it. Lotions play well with my hair right now without sealer, but it's still touch and go. I have to twist when using them or use a heavy curl styler. This will be my first winter natural but last winter, lotions and creams topped with butters was excellent. That's why I went crazy with the butter and pomades/grease.

I want to lurk HV because I love their green tea pomade, if they even still sell that :look:
I forgot I'd bought stylers from Sarenzo, gel from QB :love:, Hello Curly, Soultanicals gel, Obia custard, Inahsi custard...

Well you get the point :lachen:

*Inserts Ernie Face Palm jpeg here*
*Insert Nene Leakes turning her head gif here*
*Insert Homer Simpson backing up in the to bushes gif here*

And when you invite me to shop your stash
*Insert Birdman rubbing hands gif here*