Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Yo, Sunshine has a listing 'Talk to Sunshine' for $35...35 minutes, topic of your choice.
:lachen: You all nonchalant with this! I saw one of her videos in my you tube feed and she looks skinny. She might be going through some things again. Who was it that she sent that e-mail telling all her business.
I found a 4oz IPN Tea/Lightful the other day:grin: I might massage some in when I get off work :yep:

I don't think I have any BV Smoove left. I couldn't find any. I need to check again cuz I sure had a lot of that.

...Did you see what I said about that Talk to Sunshine listing on Etsy?? :look:


Um...Yeah...I saw that. :drunk:

That was You, Shay72 and chebaby that was on that Sunshine tip.:lol:

So, you can talk to her for $35.00? What is that about
Ya'll talking back & forth so fast in here I guess I was behind in reading. This forum is so slow on everything single thing I use :computer:!
:lachen: You all nonchalant with this! I saw one of her videos in my you tube feed and she looks skinny. She might be going through some things again. Who was it that she sent that e-mail telling all her business.


I remember that email!! I don't remember who it was, though...
I don't know what folks supposed to talk to her about. It won't be growing hair bc she is forever cutting hers. It's always in a fade.
I will say that I love the Cutie Juice as a spritz after my shower. Love it!!!! And Sunshine is still the bomb. I have a few big jars.
I do love me some Sunshine. Nothing has ever compared. I will always buy it. I just won't be paying $35 to talk to her.

Remember I used the Blueberry DC and it tore my hair up. A dry tanlged mess :nono: It was ugly!!!

Brownie518 the Blueberry Cheesecake didn't really agree with my hair. It was ok...didn't mess my hair up, but it was just ok for me. I didn't feel any real moisture from it. Others have raved though, so I thought it was because I'm spoiled by SD VS. Have you tried APB's Moisturizing Conditioners? She has improved them she said. I want to try one soon. Which ones did you give away?
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Using up my QB AOHC on DD's super coily hair. Her hair likes it. Mine does too, but I think mine is probably good with the BRBC. I have about three applications of it left. :yep:

Yall, I have enough stuff to last me until Blk Friday. For real. :lol: I can't wait to re-up on my favs though!

My BF Reups will be: Grease, Butters, Pomades, Oils and a few R/O's.

Imma try to stay totally away from DC'ers unless Marie Dean has a Good Deal.

That is the only thing truly missing from my Stash.:sad:
Okay, catching up on Sunshine videos and I see why some folks may want to talk to her. She talks a lot about her relationship with God, self awareness, working on yourself, etc. Some folks would benefit from that. I still don't need to talk to her but she may be able to help some.

$35.00 Come on Nah Son.

If they are her Customers, she should be willing to talk to them to a certain degree for Free.:yawn:


I'm glad Jesus didn't charge folks to talk to him.:look:
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@Brownie518 the Blueberry Cheesecake didn't really agree with my hair. It was ok...didn't mess my hair up, but it was just ok for me. I didn't feel any real moisture from it. Others have raved though, so I thought it was because I'm spoiled by SD VS. Have you tried APB's Moisturizing Conditioners? She has improved them she said. I want to try one soon. Which ones did you give away?

I gave away the Blueberry and the White chocolate mask :yep: I might still have the Not Easily Broken one but haven't tried it.
Hey, ladies. I'm at work in the middle of another funky storm. We had a major power dip last week and are still recovering and with this tornado watch, we might be in trouble..

Anyway, can I just say how much I love Soft Coconut Marshmallows!! I should have gotten a couple more this order.

I gave away the Blueberry and the White chocolate mask :yep: I might still have the Not Easily Broken one but haven't tried it.

Oh. I liked the White Chocolate Mask. It was good. Never tried Not Easily Broken. Is that a DC? That's one of the ones that say Moisturizing Conditioner?