I drove past the office today knowing something was there. It possibly was my Oyin. I figure I might as well wait until Monday or Tuesday so maybe more stuff will be there. Besides it's not like I'm hurting for products . I am nearly down to only staples for protein. I have Claudie's Reconstructor to try out otherwise everything else I know are keepers. That feels good.
For the mixologists I want to make a spray with some protein in it for juicing. You know we gotta have that balance. Ultimately I plan to buy Claudie's braid spray but I gotta wait with this No Buy and all . So I was thinking of distilled water, saa, honeyquat, and wheat protein? Maybe some aloe vera juice too? I would make very small batches and keep in the fridge. Thoughts? TIA.
Good mix already, maybe like Vonnie said eo like tea tree or grapefruit as some preservatives.
Were they cute?I just got back from hobby lobby and got my jars to split that big dc up in. That is a dangerous place, they had clearance and sales and im like let me get up out of here before i have a cart full of stuff, but i made it out with only my 2 jars. Gotta watch trading one addiction for another.