i haven't used it yet, but based on texture and color alone, i definitely prefer buttersnbars. sheanmore has GREAT prices, the BEST, but it's definitely more gritty than BNB (which is ridiculously creamy).
BNB is more of a light, creamy off-white, where SNM is a "dirty" white and darker, like sand almost.
BNB cost about two times more than SNM, but it's still a good price and what i LOVE is that the shea butter is CONSISTENT. i've had about 4 different kinds of shea butter, each different from the last, but i just ordered 5 more lbs from BNB (btw, i ordered both on the same day and they both arrived the same day) and each container is the same color and smooth, creamy consistency.
i also ordered some avocado butter and coconut oil from SNM, and a hair masque and sample of some face souffle from BNB. both companies have great customer service, but i am a BNB fiend for life.