Updates in my Fotki!!! Almost there!! ...Or Not?!


New Member
I did my promised length check. I see that I'm gonna have to do a really good trim because on side of my hair is longer than the other...but at least it's growing. The pics in my fotki are without my newgrowth straightened out...because it is a beast and I'm slightly scared of it. :nono:


Leave me soem comments too you guys or some guestbook entires loool I'm lonely over there :sad:
For the lazy people hehe this is my progress. The first pic is when I started in January and the second picture is my current progress pic.


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Amazing progress!!!

I wouldn't trim until AFTER you get your relaxer though - the NG might be making your hair seem to be uneven, when it's really not.....
You are doing well. ^^ I second Kiya's comment- don't trim too quickly just to get your hair even. See how things go once you relax. :yep: