
New Member
I decided a little over a month ago to keep my hair in braids until next summer...give it a break from relaxers and so much handling. I have braided it twice since I started (redoing it every 2 weeks), but someone in my family had the digital camera I use to take hair pics. Well, I redid my braids yesterday and was able to get pics of it. And if you didn't realize it, I braid my own hair. And this time I'm pretty proud and happy how they came out. Being in my 40s, sometimes my arms get tired when I have to hold them up long, not to mention the stress in my fingers easily...especially when doing the back. But I managed to get it done. I intend to leave these in for about a month instead of taking them out in the usual 2 weeks. I also hope to someday be able to do fancy style designs in my hair...something I use to be able to do very well.

Anyway, I hope you like the pics. I would love some style suggestions if you have some too. Thanks in advance.
Your braids look great and you do not look like you're 40 something. You could easily go for 19/20
dang, your braids are so neat and pretty! you're pretty darn good at them. and i agree with nacia... you DO NOT look like you're in your 40s!!
Your braids are really nice, that's a great style. And as everyone else has said you do not look anywhere near 40, you might want to check your birth certificate, are you sure you're not still a tennager ? Just kidding
Anyway, I really do like that braided hairstyle.
First of all, your braids are off the hook. They look very stylish and professionally done.

Second of all, I think I need to see a birth certificate to verify the age.
You look like you're in your mid-20's, not mid-40's. Please share your skincare regimen when you get a sec
You're very talented, those are beautiful braids! Now I'm wondering what you do when you get hit on by 20 those year olds?
I agree with everyone... You look GREAT; it's really hard to believe that you're in your 40's!!
Whatever you're doing, keep it up!!! Oh, and your braids look great, too!!
Oh, I wish I could braid my own hair! I wonder why so many of us don't know how. Anyway, the braids are off the hook. And you look fabulous! Is it just me or are older gals representin'? Look at Vivica Fox, Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn? I plan to be fabulous and dating men half my age too!!
Wow! Girl as I was viewing your pics I was thinking to myself "ah...to be in my 20's again..." You go head on with your bad self! You and your braids look fantastic (not that you shouldn't at 40!)

As someone who has struggled to do their own braids and failed, did you get someone to help you part your hair? That is one problem I have when braiding... I'm going to check out your pics again and take some notes...
Thanks ladies for the props...you're all so very sweet. I have to be careful or you'll have my head big. I would hate to post pics in the future and have you say," dannnnng, what medicine is she on that has her head that bit?!!"

ms brown, as for my skin regimen, I wash face with liquid tea tree oil and rosemary soap (got it from an organic store). I'm a veggie freak!!!
I truly eat veggies every single day. I wear sunblock all year long to protect my skin (neutrogena's oil-free is the one I usually use). I rarely wear foundation...I tend to only use press powder to keep the shine under control. But, to be honest, I think a lot of what it has to do with genetics...my mom was always mistaken for being younger too
Thank God she gave me something I can truly use...wish she would have shared more boobs too

Soulchild, many times when taking my oldest daughter back to campus (she graduated this past summer), guys on the campus would ask her to introduce me to them. Of course, that totally grossed her out

Aprilbiz, I part my own hair...I simply can feel if the parts are straight...I hope this doesn't mean God has made my fingertips sensitive for "blind" days ahead
But in all honesty, there are times after braiding one, I will look in the mirror and want to scream. Because a small section got into the part I was braiding...which means I have to take it back down

Thanks again to you all...you've made my day
dontspeakdefeat said:
Simply gorgeous! You did an awesome job! As a self braider I know how challenging doing it yourself can be. Kudos to you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey DSD, we both have a "Devin" and we both braid our own hair. Will the similarities never cease!
Lookin' good, Mom!
I like the clear beads!
I hope I inherited the "fountain of youth gene" too
Only time will tell...
Thanks sweetie! How's school going? Dad said touch base...if that's not too much to ask
Send me an email when you have time....

BTW, have you taken any more pics yet? I can't wait to see them if you have...I know your hair was growing like a weed before you left. Also, did you get your MSM yet? I'm going to buy some on Wednesday. I'll let you know how things are "growing" along

Your braids look wonderful--they look "professionally" done. You are such the little super-model too

Now on that last picture where you put "Things Are Crystal Clear", I know you're talking about the beads--but it looks like you are having such a serene moment there and that could actually be a piece of art going by that title (things are crystal clear). Go on and make that extra $$$ on the side girl !
Supergirl, you are so cute and funny. Girl, nobody woud spend money on that mess
I'll be lucky if nobody sues me for putting my mug on the internet...isn't there a law about putting inappropriate pics on the internet?

Thanks for the kind words dear...they mean a lot.
Ok, I think that I'm late...& missing sumthin'

(( after reading the above )) Cybra & BlackCardinal, r u2 mom & daughter???

My mommy & I also share a luv for hair care.
Now I've recruited my 2 yr old daughter in the family pasttime

Cybra, OMG Cybra, U look absolutely stunning!!! (& I still don't believe that 40 jibber
). (age aside) Ur skin is flawless
& ur sooo pretty
. I'm really diggin' ur braids. That's the 1 thing that I wanna learn how to do
. Besides ur beautiful skin & awesome braids, ur NATURAL HAIR has me blown away... IT IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL!!! What's ur regime when ur not in braids
? Go ahead duhlin', spell the beans
Yup, that's my mommy!
You can see we even joined on the same day. But I started posting before she did...Funny, she has still managed to surpass me with her number of posts even though I"ve been on here longer
I gotta step it up then...
You go girl! you and your braids are beautiful! any tips on how to braid my own hair I can braid I just can't braid my own hair but I'm going to master my head myself I'm tired of going to braiders that are murder on my hairline. If you have any tips on attaching the weave hair to my own hair please share. Thanks! I have a digital camera but I don't know how to put my pic on the side where out profile name is oh well I'm 3 inches from bra strap. which is my goal. Again you work it! very beautiful