~~~~~~Updated Foki-Take a Look~~~~~~~~~

cat eyes

New Member
Ok Ladies,

I've updated my Foki with new pictures, and now you can leave comments. Thank you for taking the time to do so!!!

Happy Growing Ladies!!!!
Ive been peeping your fotki for a few days now. Lovely, beautiful family and I love your style and makeup as you already know.
I love your photos and your hair! You are a pretty woman with a pretty family as well! I can tell you are a sweetheart!
Yes I've been trying to stay away from the flat Iron, just roller sets only, and oil my scalp and hair!!!

Thank you the nice comments about me and my family!!! AWWWW!!!

nicki6 said:
You've made great progress in the last 3 months:D :clap:

january noirI love your photos and your hair! You are a pretty woman with a pretty family as well! I can tell you are a sweetheart!
Thank you for my birthday wishes you ladies are a blessing!!!

caribeandiva said:
Happy belated birthday. your hair looks great!

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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 19

Re: ~~~~~~Updated Foki-Take a Look~~~~~~~~~
Your hair is very pretty and Happy Belated Birthday!