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Nice results with the MTG. I think I'll be doing a little more research on it and then ordering some along with other oils to cut the smell I've read is horrible. Did that hair loss scare you or is that amount normal? I fear braids for that exact reason...
Hot dayum!! You've made amazing progress with the MTG, you'll be at your goal in no time. I also enjoyed your twistout pics. Thanks for sharing.
Nicole-27 said:
Nice results with the MTG. I think I'll be doing a little more research on it and then ordering some along with other oils to cut the smell I've read is horrible. Did that hair loss scare you or is that amount normal? I fear braids for that exact reason...

I also can't stand the MTG smell, I dilute it with a mixture of Sta-Sof-Fro, Essential oils of Sweet Orange, Lavender, Peppermint and Eucalyptus.

I really didn't fear the hair loss that much, It's after 5 weeks of wearing braids and most of it is shedding, not breakage.
pradalover said:
That's great progress with MTG in just 4wks. Also your braid & twistouts are very pretty.

Thank you!:) I'm planning on doing a second MTG experiment to make sure this stuff really works! When I did my braids they were not as tight as I wanted. The next time I'll do smaller and tighter braids, then we will really see.
Your hair looks thick and healthy. I think you got a lot of good growth from MTG or else you wouldnt notice the difference in the texture of the new growth.

Excellent progress!! :D
WOW girl! that there is no Slippage that's growth.

you grow girl. i'm also using MTG. i saw a recipe about mixing it with the biotin. i will try this and see what kind of growth i can acheive.

:yay: way to grow.
7 months worth of NG - whoa, all my hair would fall out if I attempt to go that long without a relaxer. The MTG is amazing - that is not a result of loose braiding - that is ALOT of new growth!! Your hair will be SO long when you relax.
Sassygoddess said:
WOW girl! that there is no Slippage that's growth.

you grow girl. i'm also using MTG. i saw a recipe about mixing it with the biotin. i will try this and see what kind of growth i can acheive.

:yay: way to grow.

Thanks! MTG will definitely be apart of my regime for a long time.:)
ivanay said:
7 months worth of NG - whoa, all my hair would fall out if I attempt to go that long without a relaxer. The MTG is amazing - that is not a result of loose braiding - that is ALOT of new growth!! Your hair will be SO long when you relax.

THanks! When I first started stretching the longest I could go was 10 weeks, I just kept on stretching and doing protective styles till I got the hang of it. The trick for me is doing co-washes every other day to control the NG.;)
Hey Alli. For your twists did you press or flat iron or blow dry your hair a bit to get it to be smoothed looking like that?
keke said:
Hey Alli. For your twists did you press or flat iron or blow dry your hair a bit to get it to be smoothed looking like that?

I get the best results when I lightly blow dry prior to twisting, then I proceed with twisting and I use shea butter for that nice shine and hold. I personally think that you can get excellent results with a mixture of shea, mango, and aloe butters mixed together the shine and softness is unbelievable!:)