

Well-Known Member
You ladies have been a great help and I want to update on the situation. First I want to say that I don't believe DH ever intended to marry me solely for a green card. We were together for 4 years before we got married and he never once mentioned it. As matter of fact I didn't know it was so serious. He has been here since he was 17. It was me who made all the effort to find out what needed to be done and that only happened when he could not work.

Secondly in regards to the space, I'm not gonna get it. Apparently he thinks it is a complete waste of time and he said that I should leave if I need space. I was so fed up yesterday that I did leave for a few hours and it did let me clear myself and be in a better mood. I could talk with him without the frustration. I just went to my friends house and played word games and it calmed me, but he can't understand why I can't do that at home, so it was a problem that I had left. I was so close to not coming home. He believes that just staying in the house and talking and talking and talking will be the solution, but we been doing that so i don't know how that will change anything.

Also the reason I'm not going on his trip to Kenya is because I don't want to plain and simple. I told him I will go the next time. Oh yeah and his work authorization was just approved. i have two friends with jobs available for him. They were just waiting for him to be able to work.
Yay! Well, at least the temporary situation is worked out. Now, you still have to work out the deeper issues. But congrats on his paperwork coming through. Maybe now you can get a little time to yourself while he's at work.