UPDATE on my Dry ends - THANK YOU!


New Member
Hey ladies:

So I tried most of the advice I got when I reached out about my dry ends and not my problem's solved ---- I just needed to seal my cuticles.

This weekend - I followed my usual regime, but I DCed with heat and used ACV as a final rinse. My hair came out smooth and shiny. PLUS....my hair didn't dry up within minutes of stepping out of the shower, and i was able to air dry without rough ends. Now, it's 6 hours after my wash and my hair is completely dry and feels smooth and soft...no rough ends.

Thanks so much for helping me figure out what was wrong. As usual, you LHCFers came through. I love you guys!!!!!!!!

Special shout-out to NEWFLOWERS for reminding us about porosity and closing our cuticles.
So glad this worked for you. I personally haven't done an ACV rinse in over a year, but it definitely works and controls frizz.
Thanks ladies! It's amazing how different my hair feels. I'm just prepped my hair for bed - moisturizing and all - and my hair still feels great. ACV rinse, I shall never forsake thee.
I'm so happy you figured out what you needed to do. I'm getting ready to baking soda wash so thanks for the ACV rinse reminder. I plan on doing it.
OP, I'm having the same problem that you had. So an AVC rinse fixed it?? I thought AVC rinse was basically a way to clarify?? Please do tell what you did. My ends are making me nervous. I am sooo close to my hair goal I can taste. So I definitely don't wanna have to get inches chopped off if it can be fixed.
Congrats OP! I tried this last week, and I liked it. At first I made the mistake of using too strong of a formula and had to rinse it out. My fine strands only need a capful and I added it to a bottle of bottled water and rinsed my hair with it. I had crazy shine. And less tangles. Good for the scalp too, anti-bacterial.
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Congrats OP! I tried this last week, and I liked it. At first I made the mistake of using too strong of a formula and had to rinse it out. My fine strands only need a capful and I added it to a bottle of bottled water and rinsed my hair with it. I had crazy shine. And less tangles. Good for the scalp too, anti-bacterial.

Okay so what do you do??