Update on homemade boundless tresses and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 miracle worker


New Member
Hi, all. A couple of weeks ago (maybe less) I posted some questions about what kind of sulfur to buy and whether or not it would be okay to mix the sulfur with Hot Six Oil with the sulfur in order to make homemade boundless tresses.
Also, someone posted about using Hawaiian Silky to keep hair moisturized. This particular person (don't recall her name) used it daily on her bun.

RESULTS OF HOMEMADE SULFUR: I purchased 'flowers of sulfur' from CVS in Atlanta, GA on Chamblee Tucker road - from the pharmacy. I mixed the sulfur with Hot Six Oil.

Initially, I tried applying it with a bottle (like a hair color application bottle). This did not work well because the mixture ran down my neck and face. After reading another post about applying with a cotton ball, I tried this method. This worked perfectly because you can get the cotton ball saturated well and can dap it along the length of each hair part and it does not run.

No joke...I have about an inch of new growth already. I applied the sulfur mixture every other day.

HAWAIIAN SILKY 14 IN 1 RESULTS: I purchased this product from a beauty supply store in Atlanta off of Chamblee Tucker Road (In the Kroger strip mall). In addition to the above usage of my homemade mixture, I sprayed my roots and ends on alternate days with Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. This product is whitish in nature and goes onto your hair that way. To cut the white appearance down, I mixed some of this product in a spray bottle with a little water and a little extra virgin olive oil. I began using the 'hawaiian silky mixture' this way every other day instead of using it straight from the bottle.

This product made my new growth incredibly soft. My hair actually feels hydrated and literally curls up on the ends. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED WITH ANY PRODUCT. It became hard to see what was new growth and what was not. I had to gauge my new growth by watching my bangs which were very damaged and recently trimmed. The bang that used to be at the very top of my forehead is now covering my eyebrows.

The results so far are unbelievable. I did not take any pics when I first started because I really was not expecting to see any results. I will take some pics today and begin keeping up with progress by taking photos at least once a month.

Thanks to these products, not only has my hair grown, but it looks and feels very healthy.

I stopped using the 14 in 1 every other day about 3 days ago because I am now wearing my hair in a bob that I wrap at night.

This morning I combed out my wrap (wide tooth comb). I then made thin parts and applied the homemade boundless tresses to each part. I then used my comb to gently comb my hair back into place being careful not to pull the sulfur mixture through the length of my hair.

Yes, my hair looks a little greasy, but stlill pretty and so worth it. I will post some pics a little later.

NOTE: I do not know my hair type or how to determine this, but I am 100% African American with relaxed hair.
Thanks for the great review!

Tiffers is the queen of Hawaiian Silky 14 and 1. She has a lot of great information on it. I'm waiting for my bottle to arrive so I can try it out!!!
*Adds Flowers of Sulfur to shopping list*

Sounds like you're getting great growth! I remember when you asked that question :yep: Hot 6 is full of good oils, mixed with sulfur, I'll bet it's really good! How long do you massage it in?

I'm glad you like the 14 in 1!!!! :yahoo: I can't imagine myself not using it. It's a permanent staple in this house :yep:
OT: Manushka, you look so beautiful and classic in your siggy! I love the hair! :D I've always wanted to do that style, but I can't french braid :perplexed
I looked all over North Miami for Sulfur two weeks ago and the pharmacist told me they don't sell things like that. I've been meaning to order it online. How much sulfur to hot six oil did you use?
I looked all over North Miami for Sulfur two weeks ago and the pharmacist told me they don't sell things like that. I've been meaning to order it online. How much sulfur to hot six oil did you use?
Check an old school pharmacy/apothecary shop. I found some flowers of sulfur at an OLD apothecary. Never did anything with it, but I bought it :lachen:.
i was thinking of buying sulfur to add to my ayurvedic oils. I want to make the ultimate hair growth oil LOL.

All the research i have done suggests not using more than 10% sulfur. How much sulfur did you use OP.
I looked all over North Miami for Sulfur two weeks ago and the pharmacist told me they don't sell things like that. I've been meaning to order it online. How much sulfur to hot six oil did you use?

Its not something that most stores have in stock-but the pharmacist/tech can order it for you. You just have to ask, some pharmacies don't volunteer to do it. Most wal-mart pharmacies should definitely be able to order it.
@ Tiffers. Yes....it was you to whom I was referring. Sorry I could not remember your name. I am loving the Hawaiian Silky...even though I altered it a little.
re: How long do I massage it? After parting my hair I use my cotton ball soaked with the mixture to dap it along the part. As soon as I have gone the length of the part, I use my bare finger to massage for just a few seconds. Then I move on to the next part.

@ Keen. I put about 3 heaping teaspoons into my mix bottle. I did not measure the hot six oil, I just started pouring. I would say that I probably put about 1/3 of the hot six oil into the bottle with the sulfur.

@Noir. Oddly, the Flowers of Sulfur does not list a percentage anywhere on the bottle. It just says 'Sulfur USP/Sublimed Powder/Pharmaceutical compounding agent/used in compounding preparations for acne, psoriasis & severe skin disorders. Other than this info, the only other info on the bottle is warnings about avoiding contact with eyes, mucous membranes, and skin. I have had no adverse reactions whatsoever to it. My mixture smells just like Sulfur 8....though not as strong.
Hi OP, does the Hot Six Oil do a good job hiding the smell? If not, did you add anything to hide the smell?
@ kitamay. Sulfur 8 is what my mom used on my hair when I was a child in order to get my hair growing. I think that combining the greasiness of Sulfur 8 with the oiliness of Hot Six would be a mess. You may want to use the hot six as a hot oil treatment in addition to using the Sulfur 8 for your scalp. I'm sure that others will offer their suggestions as well.

Make sure that you are keeping your hair hydrated like Tiffers suggests and you would probably get similar results. The Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 is very hydrating. I also noticed almost no shedding when I washed my hair after having used this product.

@ trevprit. The smell is only evident if you put your nose to it (in my opinion), but it does smell similar to sulfur 8 (only when you put your nose to the mixture).
Thank you, ladies for helping us sistahs out. You are so generous with your sharing. We'll all have butt length hair (if that's one's choice) in no time with all this 4-1-1 flowing.

Group hug,


P.S. Hmm, I see the H.S. has mineral oil. K, I'll find another something, if necessary.
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