Update - AP Length


Well-Known Member
OK ladies - I took the pictures with one arm down as you all suggested . . . (wow I need to go to the gym). Sorry its so fuzzy, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be to take a picture with one hand. Anyway, I washed my hair so it is now relatively straight. I figure with a relaxer and a trimmy, trim I will be solidly in AP Length.

I dont know when a relaxer will be since I am having a love/hate relationship with my hair at the moment. I am 3 months post and enjoying feeling the worlies of my new growth but its so hard to de-tangle and keep moisturized. So it could be later this week or a month from now.
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Definately APL :yep:

Lookin good! Your hair looks so healthy and thick!
thanks everyone :) Originally this was my final goal . . . but I've moved it to BSL.

tiffers my hair is actually really fine hair . . . ack . . . but thankfully I have tons of it. It's actually wet in the photo. . . when its dry it looks like what I call Tina Turner Hair. But I am cool with it :grin:
Your hair looks longer in this picture to me than the other one. Congratulations, girl!!

Thanks everyone. :grin:

Yes it looks longer here. In the last picture my hair was dry and I had basically just taken it down from a couple of braids so it was all over the place . . . I find it easier to wear it curly when i am stretching. I just figured I would take some pictures when it was wet before I braided it up again.
I knew that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. You ARE APL just like I thought. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :woohoo2:

Your hair is not only longer, it looks quite thick and healthy!! :clapping:
Thanks everyone. :grin:

Yes it looks longer here. In the last picture my hair was dry and I had basically just taken it down from a couple of braids so it was all over the place . . . I find it easier to wear it curly when i am stretching. I just figured I would take some pictures when it was wet before I braided it up again.

How long are you stretching for? And how did you take care of your hair during your stretch?
How long are you stretching for? And how did you take care of your hair during your stretch?

Serenity, I am at 3 months. I dont have a stretch goal in mind, after 8 weeks I pretty much go on a week by week basis depending on how my hair is behaving and what other things I have going on in my life. The longest I have gone is 4 months.

During my stretch I keep my regime simple - low manipulation ie. no combing between washing . . . this has helped me the most because it means I dont get as frustrated with my new growth. It was hard to fathom at first . . . no combing :nono: but once I learned how to do it, it was like a lightbulb moment :drunk:

So I will wash, put in my front part, put a scarf over the front of it and leave the back out to dry a little. Then I will twist the back in 2 or 3 braids depending on how curly I want it, or 2 or 3 Chiney bumps. If I wear my hair down I will finger comb and use a headband or hair pins to keep the front back. I wear it up most of the time in 2 lose braids . . .like Julia Roberts in Notting Hill


I love that style and it is just so simple. I moisturize at night before bed or in the morning if I am not going anywhere.

I know it sounds complicated but its not. I am a lazy and want my hair care to be simple. I want my hair healthy and happy with as little trouble as possible.