uneven sides


New Member
Just wondering if there are any ladies who had uneven sides but found the cause and started growing your hair more evenly? I know my uneven side is due to sleeping alot on my left side as well as breaking away from wrapping my hair in the 2 directional wrap. So please share any tips!
I have uneven sides and a middle--I think my hair just grows funny.cos I cut it all off the same time I dont do anything different.
I think everyone has uneven sides unfortuantely mostly due to biology, like everyone has one arm that's slightly shorter, etc. My weaker side isn't even the side I sleep on! /images/graemlins/mad.gif
I am the same way. My back middle grows slower than the rest so even if I cut it the same all over it does it all over again.
I have the same problem too. My right side grows a lot faster than the left side. I am just now starting to get the two sides even by slowly trimming the right side until the left catches up with it. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
kking7777 said:
Just wondering if there are any ladies who had uneven sides but found the cause and started growing your hair more evenly? I know my uneven side is due to sleeping alot on my left side as well as breaking away from wrapping my hair in the 2 directional wrap. So please share any tips!
I have relaxed hair, and the only way I have been able to consistently not curl my hair every day has been wrapping it. However, my stylist and I noticed a while ago that my right side was growing faster than my left. So we started having me wrap to the left instead of to the right. I did this for about 5 months, and the left not only caught up, but began to surpass the right side! Now, I change directions every two weeks. But then, I'm also noticing that my front edges are really thin, so now I'm trying to figure THAT out. Any tips?
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