Uneven growth....???

I know this is old, but bumping for advice...

For the last 2 years my left side has been longer, the ends are thicker and it's easier to manage. My right side is thicker, more textured, shorter and the ends taper more. My crown is pretty jacked too. If I tried to even it I would lose at least 4 inches...
I know this is old, but bumping for advice...

For the last 2 years my left side has been longer, the ends are thicker and it's easier to manage. My right side is thicker, more textured, shorter and the ends taper more. My crown is pretty jacked too. If I tried to even it I would lose at least 4 inches...
I wouldn't even it out till I reached my desired length. Provided your ends are healthy. At that time, you can keep your hemline perfectly manicured.

Just dust every business quater to prevent split ends etc. You'll never reach your goal if you keep cutting to even it out.

How do you wear your hair daily?
I wouldn't even it out till I reached my desired length. Provided your ends are healthy. At that time, you can keep your hemline perfectly manicured.

Just dust every business quater to prevent split ends etc. You'll never reach your goal if you keep cutting to even it out.

How do you wear your hair daily?
I wear it braided under wigs. I trim every 2-3 months, but I think I'll start trimming a bit more from the longer side until it looks better. I never ever wear my hair down anymore, because it bothers me so much. Buns are my main style when I'm not wearing wigs.
I know this is old, but bumping for advice...

For the last 2 years my left side has been longer, the ends are thicker and it's easier to manage. My right side is thicker, more textured, shorter and the ends taper more. My crown is pretty jacked too. If I tried to even it I would lose at least 4 inches...
I have the opposite and for yrs I tried to even it out. Last yr, I had a blunt even cut...couple months later, my blunt cut was no more...I gave up but I realized that with time, my hair will even out on its own.
I know this is old, but bumping for advice...

For the last 2 years my left side has been longer, the ends are thicker and it's easier to manage. My right side is thicker, more textured, shorter and the ends taper more. My crown is pretty jacked too. If I tried to even it I would lose at least 4 inches...

I cut the back of my hair twice in my hair journey and it's still longer than the rest.

I don't really care much anymore. Think I'm going to start wearing braids along with my buns.
I think its pretty common in most people. My left side grows slower than the right and always has. My hair also grows in a natural V. I've tried to even it out many times and it still grows the same way. My front left is also thinner than the right but it grows longer. As long as the ends are healthy I would leave it be until you reach your desired length and then as MHD suggested trim even and maintain.