Uneven Growth?


New Member
Hi good people! /images/graemlins/weird.gif
I am getting regrowth on the top and sides of my hair and in one section in the back. However, in the nape area I cannot feel any regrowth at all. It's like a 3 sq inch. section w/no regrowth. Is this normal? /images/graemlins/confused.gif Is there anything I can do to stimulate growth in this area? Possibly scalp messages, essential oils, vitamins? Please advise. I thought that hair was supposed to grow pretty evenly all over. I'm very concerned.... /images/graemlins/whyme.gif (BTW, this is the area that I usually have to worry about breakage in too.)

Any thoughts???

Thanks in advance,
Hey JenJen
I am no expert but I do know that our hair does not always grow at the same rate. With me personally the crown of my head has the fastest growth and the rest of the hair catches up at some time or the other. I know the other girls can definately school you to growth stimulants....

HTH /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Hi JenJen, its funny that you should mention uneven growth. My hair has grown uncharacteristically quick since my last relaxer. It has grown everywhere except for the edges and the nape area. Looking at my edges it would appear that I didn't need a perm. But once you dig your fingers past that....whew!! And I still have about a month to go!! I don't know if this answered your question, if i didn't sorry. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Thanks guys...that helps a lot. At least I feel a little more normal. I am still interested in knowing what I can do to stimulate growth in that area...
/images/graemlins/whip.gifGrow hair Grow! /images/graemlins/whip.gif

Oh, I just read the post about oil blend proven to stimulate growth. I'm going to look for those essential oils...